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Latest Facebook Trends You Should Follow To Grow Your Business In 2024

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Latest Facebook Trends You Should Follow To Grow Your Business In 2024

What is the most important thing for growing your business?

Creating an audience!

And if you want your audience to connect with your business, you need to connect with them first.

Most social media engagements are seen and experienced on Facebook, this platform plays a vital role in marketing your business on social media platforms. Facebook is one of the best platforms for building brand awareness, building trust, and targeting desired audience. Most people learn about events, businesses, products, services, and artists through Facebook.

Though Facebook is an excellent platform for marketing your business and products, it is crucial to keep up with the latest marketing strategies and Facebook trends to stay ahead of your competitors.

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What Are Facebook Trends?


Facebook has more than 2.7 billion monthly active users and this platform is always changing and evolving, it is essential to change and evolve your marketing strategies with the latest Facebook trends.

Social media marketing isn’t only about being present on every social media platform, it is about engaging with your audience and sharing helpful, relevant, and valuable content with them. This can be achieved by following the latest market trends for Facebook.

Here are the latest Facebook trends today you should follow!

Video Marketing:


The ever-increasing popularity of video content on various platforms has made it an imperative part of social media marketing strategies. People are watching video content extensively every day, and it is not only limited to entertainment. Before purchasing anything, users scour through the internet for reviews, how-to, DIY videos, etc. Facebook has utilized this opportunity to transform its image-shoppable ads into video-shoppable ads.

  Already, the latest Facebook trends show increasing video content being published on the platform, product pages can be linked to related videos and significantly increase engagement and conversions. Video marketing will remain one of the top Facebook marketing trends. Here are some tips that can help

  • Storytelling: 

It is essential to have a gripping story in your videos, this will help to structure the narrative that makes it more engaging and memorable.

  • Focus on silent videos: 

It is a fact that no one likes loud ad videos, according to statistics, 85% of the users disable the sound of the videos before watching them. To solve this problem you can use image-based ads over videos or add subtitles in product demonstration videos.

  • The shorter, The better.

Short videos are popular these days, but the length of your video should be according to your business. For example; if you have an e-commerce business, 30-second demonstration video will be more engaging, and SaaS-based companies can create long review videos, and informative ads preferably with subtitles.

Facebook Shopping Platform:



Amid the coronavirus pandemic, many small and large businesses were affected heavily, which gave a boom to the e-commerce industry. Facebook has also launched Facebook Shops allowing small businesses to set up an online store with ease.

Setting up a Facebook shop is free and simple. It allows businesses to choose the products they want to sell from their inventory and also gives an option to design the look and feel of their shop by using cover images, and accent colors suitable for their brand. Regardless of budget restrictions, any seller can join Facebook Shops and connect with their customers conveniently.

  • Name & Design: 

The name of your shops should describe your brand and business. Use attractive and good-quality images to enhance the aesthetics of your shop, it will help bring your shop to life and encourage your customers.

  • Product Description: 

While listing, always create a concise description for all the products you are selling, it will help your customers to know its features and choose the best product accordingly.

  • Inventory:

Keep your inventory up to date to avoid products running out of stock, it will also help in managing your budget and distributing resources on popular products.

Facebook AR:



Do you remember Pokemon Go? An Augmented Reality game came out in 2016 and then many apps have tried to utilize this technology and Facebook is doing the same calling it Spark AR.

Spark AR is a studio tool from Facebook which helps users to create AR-based ads, effects, and much more.

  • Customized Ads: 

Using this tool you can create attractive ads, which will help you engage with your customers. You can also add CTA to increase the conversion rates.

  • Branded Filters For Stories: 

You can create filters for Facebook or Instagram stories, it will make your stories unique and interesting.

  • Real-Time Product Experience: 

With the help of AR, users can try products like glasses, lipsticks, makeup, etc. And purchase the product based on their experience.

  • Important Metrics: 

You can measure all the important metrics such as link clicks, outbound links, effects shares, view time, etc.




It started with Twitter and now hashtags are popular on all social media platforms, hashtags are the best way for categorizing the type of content to provide a better user experience.

Just like Instagram, Facebook is also trying to utilize hashtags for categorizing its content, which will improve searchability and overall user experience for the users.

  • Hashtag Challenge: 

Try creating a Facebook hashtag challenge, it will encourage users to use your hashtag in their posts, it will increase engagement for the chosen hashtag.

  • Target Audience: 

According to the hashtags used, you can create your desired audience and also search for similar hashtags suitable for your business to build your audience base.

  • Use Trending Hashtags: 

Use hashtags that are trending in your industry, 2 to 3 hashtags are enough to try not to overdo it. You can also add hashtags to your older posts, it will help in additional visibility.

User-Generated Content:



User-generated content is the best way to engage with your audience, UGC is the content in the form of text, image, or video created by customers. You can share their content on your feed with the customer’s consent, it is the best way to build credibility and trust among users.

People who create and share user-generated content are likely to be among those who have purchased and used your products many times and are satisfied with them. It encourages other users to purchase your products while creating brand loyalty and product desire.

  • Ask Permission Before Posting: 

Before posting any of the user-generated content, ask for their permission to use their content and give credit to the original creator as well.

  • Create Hashtags & Link Products: 

Create hashtags for products, so that customers can use them while posting content, and when you are sharing UGC link back products in photos.

  • Learn from UGCs:

It is the best way to get feedback. Make sure to analyze every UGC, that will help you find out where improvement is needed and build better social media marketing strategies.

News Feed Ads:



Facebook news feed ads have been around for a very long time, it has been a top and most effective channel for advertisement. The news feed is the area where users interact with most while scrolling, so it is the best place where you can get users’ attention.

Facebook has launched many new features such as AR ads, and shoppable ads to help and promote small businesses, so brands can advertise and engage with their audience. Facebook news feeds have the highest click-through rates (CTR), this is why brands are focusing their efforts on newsfeed ads more than video feeds.

  • Call To Action: 

Adding Call To Action buttons encourages users to take action on your posts, without CTA users will just scroll through your post.

  • Brand Awareness: 

This helps in creating brand awareness campaigns, to reach potential customers and let them know about your business and products.

Social media trends keep changing and evolving with time, it is crucial to keep up with these latest trends to stay ahead of your competitors. With the help of an amazing tool, you can achieve your goals and be on top.

PowerAdSpy| Ad Intelligence Tool To Search Facebook Trends:


PowerAdSpy is the most powerful social media ads analytics tool. Thousands of people around the world watching and submitting the best-trending ad copies. It has the largest database of ads that marketers can use based on the niche of their business. It offers you the power to create ads for Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, and various other platforms. 


Key Features:

  • Filter By Ad Positions:

It provides full control to research many ads, you can segment the social ads based on the position news feed and side location to see which performs well in your niche to best conversions.

  • Complete Visibility:

It provides detailed ad analytics and allows you to see real-time engagements by visiting live ad posts directly from the platform.

  • Enormous Ad Database:

PowerAdSpy has the fastest-growing data with Millions of Ads from all over the world. It provides you with the latest successful ads in just a few clicks. fresh ads get added to the database every day.

  • Bookmark The Best Ads:

You can bookmark ad concepts that you would like to use in your forthcoming ad campaigns, and they will be added to your personalized Ads inventory. You can bookmark any ad depending on your niche; for example, for lawyer ads strategies bookmarking a law firm ad is beneficial.

  • Powerful Search Algorithm:

PowerAdSpy helps you find the ads suitable for your business, and popular keywords/phrases/terms within ads. You can also short those ads by date, shares, likes, and comments to easily find the best ads to grow your campaign.

  • Combination Of Videos & Image Ads:

PowerAdSpy has the fastest-growing section of Social Video Ads to offer insights into what kinds of video ads your audience responds to and also allows you to download them for your ad campaigns.


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Facebook is the king when it comes to advertising and promoting businesses and products on social media platforms. Keeping up with the latest  Facebook trends is crucial for building effective strategies and achieving your goals. Now it’s time for you to decide which one of these trends you will focus your efforts on.

Let me know in the comments below!
