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About Us

Poweradspy is a powerful database of Social Ads advertisements which provides best solutions to Media Buyers, Advertisers, Ad agencies, etc. spy on their competitor’s Facebook Ads.

About Us

Poweradspy is a powerful database of Social Ads advertisements which provides best solutions to Media Buyers, Advertisers, Ad agencies, etc. spy on their competitor’s Facebook Ads.

What Do We Do?

We Deliver Insights Of Popular Ads On Social

We have people around the world watching and submitting 1000s of inspiring Ads to our database every day. This collective database helps us to deliver an exceptional service for Ad Planners; Media Buyers; Publishers; Copywriter; Ad Agency and Advertisers to see resonate Social Ads structure for their businesses to fill their marketing funnel with a single click.

We have developed a framework that enables Social blueprint learners to see, engaging and qualifying ads through Social.

Our Ads Examples are Composed Of Attributes Like:

Demography And Location Based AD Examples

Suggest Keyword Searching In Case You Face Difficulties

Increases ROI Of Your Business With Running Ads

replicate ads

Constant Support Throughout Project Submission

Many companies spend more on Ads than the actual production. This is however, not a profitable practice but they do it because they are not introduced with PowerAdspy . The reason companies flee for advertising is, they are the sureshot methods for attracting audiences to the brand. But a balanced and profitable advertising involves programmatic relationships between brands and Ads, keeping the demands of market in mind.

That’s why, PowerAdspy, a platform trusted by fortune 500 companies of the world, presents you the winning Ads of your competitors. It will provide you important details to visualize the direct relationships between brands, publishers, networks, and execution platforms. Because all the biggest companies in the world make their marketing decisions based on their competitors marketing strategies and their ads.


Locate the excellent Social Ads in just a few Seconds!

Become a Social Ad’s Pro With PowerAdspy