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How To Target Competitors Audience Using Facebook Ads

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How To Target Competitors Audience Using Facebook Ads

Targeting competitors’ audience is one of the best possible ways to enhance brand awareness, generate sales and leads for your business. On platforms like Google and Bing, you can  directly run ad campaigns targeting the same audience as your competitors. 
But that doesn’t imply you can do the same on a social giant platform like Facebook. There you can’t just target similar keywords to reach your most preferred audience.

So, in that case, what to do? The answer is simple! Create your Facebook ad campaigns targeting fans of your competitors’ Facebook pages.

But now, there is another issue since Facebook doesn’t let you target the fans of any specific page.  Even with so many complications out there, still you want to know how to target competitors’ fans on Facebook. Don’t you? 

In this blog, we would tell you about some ideas, which you can use to grab the attention of your competitors’ Facebook fans.

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How To Target Competitors Fans On Facebook?



1# Search For Specific Facebook Pages To Target

The first thing you need to do is make a list of the specific Facebook pages of the competitors you want to target. While searching on Facebook, you would find many of such Facebook pages based on any particular niche. There you can also use tools like PowerAdSpy to find the most prominent competitors in your niche. And accordingly, you can find their Facebook business pages or the pages owned by their founders.

PowerAdSpy also gives you the fantastic option, where you can search by the name of specific brands or even public figures doing the brand endorsements. You may also follow a few brands and compare their ad strategies to your own. That would help to improve your reach with audiences and conversions in your business.

There are many more ways to look out for niche-specific Facebook page, here we have shown some of them:

  • Use the Facebook search box to find out the business pages using the relevant keywords in your niche.
  • When you visit a Facebook page, there on the sidebar, you can also search for other relevant pages that are similar.
  • If you go to the community section, you can see the list of top fans. Open their profile. There you may find the other pages liked by that person.
  • Facebook Audience Insights:

FAI (Facebook audience insights) is a tool designed by Facebook to help marketers easily learn about their target audience. There you can check what sort of pages attract the audience that you want to target. It has this affinity score which indicates the relevance based on the interest of the target audiences.


So, if you follow these tactics, you will learn about more options with the Facebook pages that you want to target. Fortunately for you, there are some ad analytic tools like PowerAdSpy, using which you can easily check on your competitors’ Facebook pages and their audience. While you just need to replicate the same strategies and direct your ad campaign to the relevant audience. And you would be able to create lucrative and profitable ad campaigns in no time.

2# Use Interest Based Targeting

Facebook gives you three options with audience targeting- core audience, custom audience, and lookalike audience. Among these, the core audience targeting feature allows you to reach the common audience of your competitors. If you go down further, there you have the option with location, demographics, interest, and behavior-based targeting.

Here you have interest-based targeting, which can help you narrow down your target audience to make your campaign more effective. There you can hit on the pain point of the buyers, based on their intent to purchase your products/ services. Moreover, Facebook ad interest targeting is one of the best ways to reach the audience who intended at least to try your products or services.

What to know how?

How To Target Competitors Fans On Facebook Using Facebook Interest Targeting?

With Interest-based targeting, you can reach out to the competitors’ fans having common interests as your own audience. Facebook populates such an audience who are liking or showing their interest on the pages related to your competitors.

To implement Facebook Interest targeting feature, while creating an ad set under the audience section, you have the Detailed Targeting option. Here you need to opt for the Interests. 



After that, you can use the keyword combination to find your competitor’s page. Check what are the different aspects that you also want to target for gaining more reach and conversions.

There you can use your competitors’ web address to search for the relevant information. However, there might be some instances when you won’t see much results for the keyword you have typed. In that case, there is quite a chance that you won’t find much audience targeting that competitor.

Now, you have targeted the similar interest of the audiences from  your competitors’ Facebook page, save the progress and continue.

3# LookAlike Audience


Another great way to target your competitors’ audience is by utilizing lookalike targeting in your Facebook ad campaigns. But first, install the Facebook pixel on your website. That will help you to reach an audience who are really interested in your brand. Accordingly, you can also create a custom audience to target your Facebook ad campaigns. Here Facebook gives you the option to reach an audience having similar characteristics as you are already targeting. These are the people who might be following some other brand on Facebook. In such a case, if you have the irresistible features to offer them, then you might be able to win more conversions.

4# Use Facebook Page Insights


From the Facebook audience insights, you can go to particular pages of the competitors. And it will show you all the information regarding their content strategy and inspiration. On the left side of the competitors’ Facebook page, there you can check out the direct links that filter the content depending on the option you have selected About, Posts, Photos, Instagram, Videos, and Communities.

There you can check on each particular link to find engagement details. And accordingly, formulate similar strategies in your own ad campaign. However, this process can be quite bothersome. And sometimes the results won’t be as you have expected.

But don’t worry! Use PowerAdSpy, a facebook ad spy tool to find most competitive ad campaigns based on niche based search options. It has a huge database with millions of ads from more than 100+ countries. And also gets you regular updates regarding the latest ads added on the database.

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Final Words:

Facebook doesn’t give you direct options to target competitors’ like you can find with Google or Bing ads. However, if you can apply the above shown strategies, you could be able to reach audiences who might show their intent to purchase your products and services.
