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Facebook Ads For E-Commerce: Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Sales

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Facebook Ads For E-Commerce: Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Sales

Someone who is actively promoting an e-commerce store might have already implemented various marketing strategies to gain more sales for their business. But whatever they try, it’s never been enough to satisfy their expectations.

What you want is to get:

  • More traffic on the e-commerce site.
  • Gain prospective customers instead of accidental visitors.
  • Conversions to reach the sales target.
  • Repeat sales from past customers.

If you also have such goals, then you must consider Facebook ads for ecommerce. Facebook has over 2.6 billion monthly active users, which means you have a considerably bigger platform to get better exposure for your business. In fact, you may realize that for retail marketing, ROI on Facebook is pretty good, with a high conversion rate (CVR).

To explore further about Facebook ads for ecommerce business further, we are going to show you why you should consider Facebook ads for your campaigning and what steps you can take to increase your sales volume and revenue in your e-commerce business.

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Why Use Facebook Ads For Ecommerce?

Compared to other social media platforms, Facebook gives you a better reach with the audience. But what’s more important is that it lets you target the exact audience to funnel them down through each stage to drive sales conversions on Facebook ads for ecommerce businesses.

So whatever the marketing goals that you have set for your business, you can put your trust in Facebook ads, which let you target the relevant audience based on demographic, location, gender, interest, and other factors.

Strategies To Boost Your Facebook Ads For Ecommerce Sales:

Tip#1: Make Use of Multi-Products Ads:

Facebook gives you the option to create Multiple product ads where you can put multiple images of different products. You can use this kind of ad to showcase ten different products in a single advertisement.

With more options and variety, you have a better opportunity to get more clicks from your prospective customers. On each image, you can add a clickable link or call-to-action button to your landing page.


You can also utilize dynamic product ads to feature multiple products at once in a carousel format. Unlike multi-product ads in which you can feature ten products only,  in dynamic product ads, you can add 10+ images in your ads. You need to upload images, product details, and other information to your product catalog using Facebook Business Manager.

With Facebook Pixel, you can modify the content based on your potential customer’s behavior. Facebook will automatically populate the product images and associated information to create your dynamic product advert.

Tip#2: Run Retargeting Campaigns:

When you have been running an e-commerce business for some time, you may notice that many of the potential customers leave their cart without making a purchase. In fact, in a survey, we found that most of the online shoppers often abandon their carts.

They might have some reasons for why they can’t be able to grab the deal that you have given to them. Unfortunately, only a few of those who abandon their cart will come back again to make the purchase.

However, you can still chase after them through retargeting campaigns,  where you can offer them exclusive deals and discounts to grab their attention. And it might really help you to reduce the cart abandoning numbers in your e-commerce business. 

Tip#3: Make Use of Conversion Tracking Pixel:

You want to target the relevant audience who are really interested in your products and services. With Conversion Tracking Pixel, you can check the behavior of the audience visiting your website through your ad campaign. You need to install pixel code on every landing page for which you want to track conversions.


Conversion tracking can help you check the effectiveness of your sales funnel and calculate the return on investment of your ad campaigns. Based on the analysis, you can also define the custom audience to target for your business so that you can increase the chances of sales conversions for your business.

Tip#4: Target Lookalike Audience In Facebook Ads For Ecommerce:

Lookalike audience refers to a group of people that have similar traits compared to your existing customers. Targeting lookalike audiences can help you improve your ad campaign’s conversion rate.

To create a lookalike audience, you should create a custom audience using the information you have acquired through the conversion tracking pixel.

Based on the factors that are responsible for conversions, you can target a similar group of audience. You can also select the size of the lookalike audience to target prospective customers.

By having a smaller lookalike audience, you can closely match the similarities with your existing customers. However, with a larger audience, you can have better reach, but it reduces the similarities between the target audience (lookalike) compared to your existing customers.

Tip#5: Use Videos Whenever Possible:

We know that visuals get better engagement from the audience. And nowadays, video media is trending on social media. So, if you are planning to run Facebook ad campaigns for your e-commerce business, then you should consider videos in your marketing strategy.

As you know Facebook prioritizes video media over general posts. That means, by using video content, you can have a better reach with the Facebook audience. Also, videos are more engaging and charismatic as compared to other dull media posts.

In fact, marketers also believe that video content gets better audience engagement, in a survey we found- that 88% of marketers reported that they are getting better ROI because of video marketing.

Here are some more reasons for you to opt for Facebook video ads:

  • With video content, you can demonstrate the quality aspects of your e-commerce product and show the audience how it works.
  • Establish a voice for your brand with engaging stories.
  • Get better exposure for various brand products through your video ads.

You can also use a carousel ad format to display two or more videos in your single ad. So that you can give more options to your audience, which increases the chances of getting more sales conversions.

Tip#6: Upsell to Your Current Customers:

Have you been retargeting your customers with emails to gain additional sales for your business?

If yes, then you can also utilize Facebook for advertising eCommerce products to boost your upsells. Instead of looking for new customers, you can easily target your existing customers to bring more sales to your business.

Someone who has already made a purchase from your website will most likely come again when you offer them some additional benefits. All the more, 65% of the retail business comes from existing customers only.

So make sure to give away some lucrative offers in your upselling campaigns through Facebook ads and win more sales for your business.

Tip#7: Build Referral Programs:

Now that you are trying to get repeat purchases from your existing customers, you can also encourage them to refer to their other friends.

Using Facebook ads, you can run referral programs for your customers from which they could earn some discount or cashback. People also pay their attention to the suggestions from their friends.

So, using referral ad campaigns on Facebook, you can attract more audience on your platform who might be really interested in purchasing your brand’s goods.


You can also share the good experiences of your customers with your brand as social proof. With customers advocating your brand, you can create more sales opportunities for your e-commerce business.

Tip#8: Include Social Proof In Facebook Ecommerce Ad Copy:

As we have told above, social proof could help you to bring more prospective customers to your business. When a person wants to purchase something, he checks the reviews and testimonials about the brand products before investing their money.

So, you can add social proof in your Facebook ads for ecommerce to win more customers. You can also utilize testimonials of happy customers and invest in influencer endorsement to promote your brand products.

By showing the brighter side of your brand (With Awards and milestones), you can encourage more people to purchase from your e-commerce retail store.

Tip#9: Host Giveaways:

A giveaway contest is the best way to create a buzz around your business so that you can gain more sales. By giving away some free stuff to your customers, you can encourage them to purchase more from you.


The purpose of giveaways is to build a relationship with the customer and try to engage with them more. So, you can make use of Facebook ads to promote your giveaway contest. You can also make use of giveaway ad copy to enchant more customers for your e-commerce business.

Tips#10: Share Your Best Blog Posts:

You can also share your best blogs on Facebook to drive traffic on your e-commerce website. In fact, it is the best way to reach more audiences. While you know that organic reach on Facebook is declining. And because of that, fewer people will see your posted content.

However, instead of using organic posts, you can share blog posts in the form of Facebook ads, which can help you drive more sales prospects for your business.

Having a stunning image and lucrative headline in your blog post is just like a real incentive for your readers. And it could help you to get more clicks on your ads and bring more traffic to your blogs. As your readers will grow more, you can target them to boost conversions in your business.

These are some of the tips that you can utilize in your Facebook ads for ecommerce to grow your business.

Though there are different ways to strategize your Facebook ad campaigns, you should look for the ads that could bring better results for your business.

You can utilize the Facebook ad library, to check competitors’ ads that are really performing well on Facebook. Unfortunately, there you don’t have many options to analyze the ad campaigns on Facebook.

In that case, you should rely on top-class ad-analytic tools like PowerAdSpy.

Why Use PowerAdSpy?


PowerAdSpy has a huge database of Facebook & Instagram ads, which you can easily search for using its easy-to-use dashboard. Using PowerAdSpy dashboard features, you can target specific brands based on their targeted keywords so that you can find their best-performing ads on Facebook.

There you have the option to filter the ads based on the keywords, target location, CTA, ad position, and other factors, through which you can find out the ads that are mostly compatible and go well with your brand products.

Besides that, it also has amazing analytical features, which let you check the audience engagement with graphical representation. Using such important details, you can target Facebook ads for ecommerce to accomplish higher sales for your business.

Wrapping Words

So what is your thought? Don’t you want to run Facebook ads for ecommerce business? If yes, then you can utilize the above-shown tips in your business to boost conversions and improve the return on investment (ROI).

However, it’s not necessary that you achieve success on your first attempt only. You can rely on the ad analytical tools to peek at the ad strategies of your competitors and try to implement the same for your own ad campaigns.

This way, you can increase the chances of getting better results through your Facebook ads for ecommerce business.


Read More:

The Power of Facebook Ads For E-commerce Business Growth

Facebook Ads Spy: How to Spy on Your Competitors’ Facebook Ads in 2023!


Remember that Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms, and there are many competitors who are trying to catch the attention of potential customers.

To be on the top, you must have the support of a world-class ad intelligence tool (ie PowerAdSpy) that lets you analyze the ad performance to make further improvements in your ad strategies.

We hope that you have learned useful things from this article. What are the other queries you have about Facebook ads? Let us know in the comment section given below!
