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How PowerAdSpy is the Best Bet for Affiliate Marketing Programs

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How PowerAdSpy is the Best Bet for Affiliate Marketing Programs

Millions of publishers are enjoying the perks by getting associated with other publishers via affiliate marketing programs

Not only does it provide access to unique new content and beneficial deals for your audiences, but also you can earn passive income for yourself.

If you are new and are looking for an alternate source of income for your business, affiliate marketing programs are the best way to take things up to the next level.

Intelligent entrepreneurs know there’s a way to make their business grow by finding ways to complement your offerings and adding more value to your customers and followers.

If you are not participating in affiliate marketing business model, it’s high time you start taking advantage of this revenue stream and earn a passive income for yourself.

Today we have different affiliate programs available in the market, ranging from online courses to web hosting, e-commerce affiliate programs to marketing and business affiliates. 

You must research thoroughly about the best option available for your business needs before joining any affiliate.

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What Is Affiliate Marketing & Its Benefits

It is a popular business model to promote other products on your website and earn a commission when someone buys that product through your affiliate link. 

Also, it enables affiliates to earn money on product sales without creating products of their own by referring a service or product through their blogs, social media, or website.

Affiliate business models are a game of trust, and it takes a great deal of effort to succeed in this business strategy. There are several products to promote, but it is always advisable to recommend the one you use.


  • This Marketing strategy is a low-risk business model with several benefits for the affiliates, where affiliates need to focus only on the promotion and marketing of the brand without getting into the nitty-gritty of the development of the product.
  • No cost of joining an affiliate program starts earning with an established affiliate product without any upfront investment.
  • The business model helps you generate passive income through commission (Though you have to invest time creating traffic sources initially).
  • It offers the potential to scale your earnings without hiring extra help by introducing new products to your audience and building campaigns for additional products. 

What are Affiliate Marketing Programs?

affiliate -marketing



An Affiliate marketing program is an agreement where a business pays another business a commission for sending traffic their way. In other words, we can say that affiliate marketing programs are additional sales channels for big companies. 

It is accomplished through web content, social media, or product integration where people sign up to these programs, get a link, and convince others for successful conversions by clicking it on their blog / videos / review sites.

The affiliate gets a unique link from which clicks can be tracked (using cookies). Cookies are to track user activity, and cookie length defines the duration of tracking.

The product owner has to track the sales to manage their business effectively, and cookies tell the owner who they owe their profit. After this, they know whom to share a profit margin with for successful conversion through that link.

How to Participate in Affiliate Marketing Programs-

  1. Join an affiliate program by finding the best one for your niche
  2. Choose what to promote
  3. Obtain a unique affiliate link 
  4. Share affiliate links on your blogs, social media platforms, or website.
  5. Collect a commission anytime someone uses your links to make a purchase.

Commission rates may vary depending on the company and the offer like- some arrangements can let you earn 50% while promoting and some as low as 5% of the sale.

Some affiliate marketing programs provide a flat rate per sale instead of a percentage.

Affiliate Marketing Trends

1. Improved Affiliate Reporting and Attribution

Many affiliate marketing programs run with last-click attribution, but this trend of affiliates receiving the last click before sales get 100% credit for the conversion is fast changing.

With affiliate platforms like PowerAdSpy (PAS) software providing new attribution and reporting features, you can see a full-funnel, cross-channel view of how individual marketing tactics are strategizing.

PowerAdSpy’s powerful search algorithm lets you spy on the affiliate ads competitors are running, and you can use the insights to grow your ad campaign.

You get complete control to research through as many ads you like, segment them on positions as a news feed, and side location to analyze which performs well in your niche to best conversions.filter-by-ad-feature


Apart from knowing the best affiliate program, you can also gaze through the ads by searching for popular keywords/ phrases/ terms within ads that a particular brand is running to gain profits.

Additionally, you can sort those ads by date, shares, likes, and comments to find the best ads for designing the best campaign for your brand.


PAS software is changing the whole affiliate marketing programs scenario by letting you structure the affiliate commissions, as you can see through the paid social campaign generated by the first click, the second click, and the last click of the affiliates.

2. Influencer Niches Becoming Hyper-Targeted


With catch-all coupons and media sites giving traffic to thousands of advertisers in the past, large affiliates were the mainstay.

Recent changes in consumer behavior like-  using long-tail keywords and searching for a specific product have forced influencers to leverage hyper-focused niches for success in affiliate business models.

Influencers may not send advertisers large amounts of traffic, but the audience they do send is credible, targeted, and has higher conversion rates. 

PowerAdSpy’s exact and relevant keyword search provides you better analysis for exact keywords for affiliate marketing programs.


3. GDPR is Changing Personal Data Collection

GDPR- The General Data Protection Regulation ( took effect on May 25, 2018), the governing body for the use of personal data across the European Union, is forcing affiliates to obtain user data through opt-in consent – the updated privacy policies and cookie notices.

This new regulation should remind you to follow FTC guidelines and disclose that you receive affiliate commissions from your recommendations. 

4. Affiliate Marketers getting Smarter

Merchants receiving a large percentage of profits from the affiliate channel can become reliant on their affiliate partners,  leading to affiliate marketers leveraging their important status to gain better deals with their advertisers. 

Affiliate marketers are in the driver’s seat with several high-paying affiliate marketing programs like PowerAdSpy’s affiliate business. It helps you earn passive income through its free signup, promoting the link, and building residual income programs for everyone.

How to Find the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

Affiliate marketing programs are partnerships of trust with your audiences. Make sure you never tell anyone to buy a product. 

You can always suggest or recommend the product based on your experience with that specific service and mention the positives but never force the audience to purchase.

The more you make quality recommendations, the more likely your web visitors will come to you for your expertise. So stay genuine in your choices for building trust among the audience.

Promote Products from Different Merchants

If you promote one brand, you have limited commissions and limited visibility. It is required to work with many different merchants in your niche and promote a wide range of products to grow big.

Working with different brands and merchants will diversify the number of commissions you make and create a steady income when building an affiliate business model. 

Find the best merchants in your niche and contact them for affiliate marketing programs to grow your passive income.

Constantly Test and Optimize your Conversion Rates through PowerAdSpy


Suppose you promote a product via affiliate links and get 5,000 visits per month at a 2% conversion rate with 100 referrals. To increase your referrals, you need to focus on getting more visitors or increasing the conversion rate.

Instead of spending months building domain authority with blogging and guest posts to get more organic traffic, you just have to increase the conversion rate by 2%. 

It includes landing page optimization, testing your calls-to-action, and having a conversion rate optimization strategy. By testing and optimizing your site, you’ll get better results with much less effort. 

And all this is possible with PowerAdSpy’s real-time conversion tracking and call-to-action-based sorting features, where you can monitor clicks, sign-ups, conversions, and payout from PAS’s intuitive dashboard. 

Call- to-action based sorting lets you figure out the best call to action in your niche. (Refer to the image below)


Focus On Affiliate Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing Programs Using PowerAdSpy


You must focus on the vertical you’re in as well as the traffic sources (organic, paid, social media, referral, display, email, or direct traffic and audience that’s visiting your site.



To make informed decisions about the traffic source and demographics of your audience, deploy smart analytics tool PowerAdSpy. 

PowerAdSpy’s geo-targeted data centre provides highly precise information about geo-targets of your competitors, which helps you identify the audience interested in your services.

This will allow customization of your messages for the best affiliate product recommendations.

You can view traffic source data through PAS spy tool. It allows you to see metrics like time on page, bounce rate, geo location, age, gender, time of day, and devices (mobile vs. desktop), among other details. So that you can focus on the highest converting traffic.

This analytics data is crucial to making informed decisions, increasing your conversion rates, and making more affiliate sales. 

Join PowerAdSpy Affiliate(Affiliate Marketing Programs)


If you are looking to earn passive income, spy on your competitors’ ads. Or track real-time conversions. Or simply interested in ecommerce content. We recommend you choose PowerAdSpy affiliate.

PowerAdSpy is built by affiliates for the affiliates.(Affiliate Marketing Programs)

PowerAdSpy is a smart, powerful social ads advertising analytics tool that can improve your content creation experience for social ads and advertising campaigns by finding hidden niches & lucrative opportunities.

Here you can convert your visitors, readers, mailing lists into your income.

Build a residual income with affiliate marketing programs. When someone clicks your affiliate link, they get tracked, and you will earn for the lifecycle of the customers.

Main Features of Affiliate Model-

  • 30% revenue share for the life cycle of the customers.
  • Recurring commissions, not just initial purchase.
  • Easy cash withdrawal.
  • Monitor clicks, conversions and your payout with an intuitive dashboard.

How PowerAdspy works-

  1. Target Audience
  2. View Results
  3. Copy & Implement

 PowerAdSpy Features-

  1. Filter by Ad positions
  2. Complete Visibility
  3. Data of million of ads from 15+ countries
  4. Narrow down searches
  5. Bookmark the Best Ads
  6. Powerful Search Algorithm
  7. Engagement Oriented Details
  8. Combination of Videos & Image ads
  9. GEO-Targeted
  10. Call to Action Based Sorting

Key Products of PowerAdSpy-

  • Google PPC Spy tool
  • Native SPY Tool
  • Youtube ads Spy Tool
  • Mailgaze

Furthermore, you can search shopify ads of your competitors and search ads with relevant and exact keywords.


Start building your residual income today. PowerAdSpy’s powerful affiliate marketing programs provide real-time conversion tracking through its intuitive dashboard.

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Affiliate marketing programs offer gateways to take control of your income. They focus on performance-based revenue options, allowing you to earn passive income for your services.

To combat the changing needs of affiliate business trends, you need analytics tools like PowerAdSpy for better analysis.

PowerAdSpy is the only tool offering the Advanced Search and Filtering option to help you search relevant ads. Also, you can use these ads according to your niche to create your Facebook ads, Twitter as, Instagram ads and Youtube Ads by using all of your competitor’s ads data insights to build your unique brand statement and go up the ladder of affiliate marketing.
