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Competitor Ad Finder- Decisive Metrics For All Business Investment

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Competitor Ad Finder- Decisive Metrics For All Business Investment

Competitor research or analysis is a significant parameter for businesses or marketers which provides detailed insights into the competitor’s well-serving ads and how they are monetizing the best-performing weapons to hit the market. To compete in the advertisement universe your fundamental strategy will be analyzing and researching the enemies or competitors, right? The competitor’s ad finder strategy is implemented the same way along with the combination of the artificial intelligence program.

When it comes to social media advertising, every platform has a diverse approach to advertising and features. As for Facebook, we all have been apprehending the Facebook ad library and ads for ages, and without skipping a single chance, marketers are interlaced in solving it. 

Are you also puzzling around the competitor’s analysis terms and missing out on the leverage of the Facebook ad finder for your businesses?

In this blog, we will witness each aspect of Facebook ads and how ad spy tools are worth investment. Stay tuned with us!

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What Is The Facebook Ad Library?


The Facebook ad library is the place where you can search for ads running across Facebook products. For all ads, search what is currently active on Facebook products.

With the Facebook ad library, you can even search ads that are inactive or no longer running across Facebook products. 

Searching ads from the Facebook ad library is much easier than ever. It’s the cerebellum of the platform to compose the ad library, which is super accessible and easy to use. Let us learn how to search ads from the Facebook Ad library; 

To Search the Ads from the Facebook Ad Library; 


✔️Go to the ad library at
✔️Ensure to select the correct country. In the top right of the ad library, you can choose the country you prefer.
Above the search bar, click search all
 Enter what you are looking for in the search bar.
A drop-down menu with results and get the detailed results of the ads by clicking on it

Step-By-Step Guide For Competitor Ad Finder on Facebook 


A competitive ad finder on Facebook is undoubtedly beneficial to investigate the competitor’s well-serving Facebook ads. It will provide the most actionable data for experimentation with the advancement of the approaching strategy.

Step 01 – Utilize the Facebook ad Library,

The Facebook ad library is a recent feature for the marketing world by the Facebook platform. With this feature, you can search for any name, topic, or organization and see ads related to the search.

Facebook’s ad library emphasizes transparency, enabling users to access ad campaigns and data, offering valuable insights into brand execution. Remember, showing ads there for more than 03 weeks implies that the ad campaign is performing well.

Step 02- Leverage the Advanced Spy Tool like PowerAdSpy

An omnipotent database of social ads implements the best solutions to media buyers, advertisers, and ad agencies to spy on their competitors. PowerAdSpy is compatible with numerous social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, Native, GDN, Reddit, and Quora ads and analyzes what your competitors are performing and their best ads.

Features of PowerAdSpy-

  • It boosts the Return on investment for the business with the running ads.
  • Allows you to have the control to research through numerous ads to analyze the best serving niche to best conversions.
  • Thorough visibility of ad analytics of live ad posts directly from the platforms
  • Feature to bookmark the favorite and well-impressive ads with single clicks, eliminate the need to search the particular ad in the loop, and repeatedly.

PowerAdSpy has the fastest-growing database of millions of ads with over 15+ countries and allows you to get the latest successful ads in a matter of seconds.

A platform trusted by 500 countries of the world and collects the winning ads of their competitors. It provides vital details and information to visualize the direct relationship between brands, publishers, networks, and execution platforms.


Step 03-Analyze the Competitor Google Ads Too

Google ads are not just for search ads as the majority think analyzing the competitor’s Google ads can surely tell you a lot about the particular feature or service campaign. Paying close consideration to the display ads will contribute more insights into Facebook strategies.

Investigating Google ads will target users based on interest and retarget to produce their ads in relevant deployments on cooperating sites online.

Step 04 – Endeavor Retargeting Campaign 

Retargeting campaigns are not accurate ones, but, yes they can be safe ones. Facebook Ads are also proficient for extreme retargeting set up on their sites. 

Analyzing retargeting campaigns allows for having a transparent idea of what strategies and offers the competitor is using to drive the conversions and how they are offering discounts, free shipping, or other marketing approaches.

Step 05 -Analyze the Top performing Facebook Content

Examining the content regarding the most trendy and top competitors and the most engaging Facebook content should be non-negotiable for any business or marketer.

Remember not to skip the comments and the community tab on Facebook, the goldmine for discovering common issues. 

Step 06- Get the detailed ad targeting insights with, Why am I seeing this ad?

Follow up a competitor’s Facebook page whenever you see the sponsored ads and choose the option, Why Am I Seeing This Ad?  To access the features, select the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of the respective ads.

In the section, you’ll see the explanation of why Facebook is showing you the respective ads to provide you with the competitor’s targeted strategy

Step 07-Investigate the Top social media traffic source

Facebook drives the most social media traffic, but the platform only makes up about 1% of its total traffic. With ad spy tools like PowerAdSpy, you can find how much traffic is coming from social media, which lets you analyze which types of content are getting the highest engagement and reach.

These are the steps to incorporate in the competitor’s ad finder maneuverings to get the better elements to work on and ensure tactics will serve you the best. 

Artificial intelligence tools like PowerAdSpy assist you to find, analyze, and provide detailed insights into the ads trending in the marketing world. Let’s have a detailed summary of the ad finder Facebook feature of PowerAdSpy; 

PowerAdSpy –

  1. Login into the PowerAdSpy dashboard with your respective credentials. After getting into the dashboard, it will represent Facebook ads as set by default.
  2. On the left, there are the options: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, Native, GDN, Reddit, Quora, and Pinterest. On the right side, there are the options of creating a request, inviting friends, watching our tutorials, joining the community, sharing Twitter, copying URLs, and booking a demo.
  3. Above the navigation bar, have the option of Keyword/advertiser/Domain. Below there are the options: Search By, Sort By, Filter, and Lander Properties. Then down below: Sort By, Ad seen between, Post date between, and domain Registration Date.
  4. To ease ad finder Facebook tasks, PowerAdSpy also offers the free Chrome extension for searching and analyzing the ads in the breeze.

PowerAdSpy also offers the free Chrome extension feature, which allows searching the ads more effortlessly and effectively. To apprehend, let us jump into the next section; 

PowerAdSpy – Facebook Ad Finder Extension

With the PowerAdSpy, ad finder chrome extension, you can get detailed acumens and view all the advertisements on the newsfeed. Examine all the insights and review the competitor’s ad history and data. Discover and search for effective ads in a matter of seconds for the next advertising campaign. 

Get the maximum ROI from your ad campaigns and discover the best-performing ads with PowerAdSpy.

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Bottom Lines For Ad Finder!

Improving and analyzing Facebook Ad Strategies is always a good marketing approach to see and get detailed insights into the competition and examine what competitors are on edge. Splinter through the Facebook ad library with the research and adaptability to outperform the competitor’s stable and well-serving ads. 

The Facebook ad library is easy to use with a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored while no marketing strategies want to take the risk of missing it. However, if you don’t find time and have trouble finding ads and all the research parameters for them, Try your hands on PowerAdSpy today.
