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Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Ad Relevance (7 Top Tips To Improve Relevance Score)

Ad relevance, why does it matter so much? If you have ever wondered about it, then you have come to the right place. Running ads with a low relevance score is like burning your ad budget for just the sake of the show. Every advertising platform is maturing with time and intends to deliver the […]


How To Target Competitors Audience Using Facebook Ads

Targeting competitors’ audience is one of the best possible ways to enhance brand awareness, generate sales and leads for your business. On platforms like Google and Bing, you can  directly run ad campaigns targeting the same audience as your competitors. But that doesn’t imply you can do the same on a social giant platform like Facebook. […]


Latest Facebook Trends You Should Follow To Grow Your Business In 2024

What is the most important thing for growing your business? Creating an audience! And if you want your audience to connect with your business, you need to connect with them first. Most social media engagements are seen and experienced on Facebook, this platform plays a vital role in marketing your business on social media platforms. […]

facebook POST SIZE

Cross-check The Right Facebook Post Size And Dimensions Before Posting

Facebook needs no introduction. It is the most popular social media platform that we have been using for years. With 2.6 billion monthly active users, Facebook has acquired the highest position on social media for marketers. So, they blindly trust to run their marketing business on Facebook. But how do marketers manage to gain the […]

How Can Facebook Advertising Statistics Be Your Secret Weapon For Marketing?

Facebook is one of the most widespread social media platforms, boasting a network of 2.6 billion monthly active users. And we do not need to justify why this social networking site is so popular among the audience. Facebook believes in providing the best user experience to its users by adapting new trends and converting them […]