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Facebook Quiz: A Useful Tool For Marketing

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Facebook Quiz: A Useful Tool For Marketing

Any organization that wants to grow and increase its online presence for the sales of products and services needs to gather data about leads and customers. This need for data is essential for generating business. For this, there are many ways or options available to remain in the competition, such as improving product quality and services offered to customers.

Another anchor is to create a database through various marketing channels and promote their products and services. With this Facebook, a quiz can prove to be a more reliable data collection tool. Companies depend on data collected that is useful in making a business strategy.

Companies can create databases through interviews and surveys, or using email pop-ups, while some useful online tools such as a quiz on Facebook. The Facebook quiz can be an excellent platform for marketers to capture data and return something valuable.

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Secrets of Facebook quiz marketing

Quiz on Facebook is a very effective tool to collect data about someone, and this data can be useful in generating business. There are five simple steps that marketers should follow.


Advertising through impressions

The Facebook quiz can be a suitable medium to generate advertising revenue through the number of visitors and impressions. We can capture this impression and visitors through interesting quizzes that attract their attention. Between the quiz, we can create various advertising banners, which we can display on their screen.

Use of Facebook quiz in obtaining leads

Companies use quizzes to promote their business. And mostly the use of quizzes is for the advertisement of products, and often this encourages us to buy the product. We can do this through email newsletters regarding the information about products and also through digital marketing.

The reason behind the popularity of Facebook quizzes is that these are most engaging and are influential among the visitors, who visit the site and exchange their contact information. The Facebook quiz is more advanced and helpful in lead capturing as compared to a traditional method of generating leads like discount options or sending newsletters.

The Facebook quiz is helpful in market research

Facebook quiz helps marketers know about their audience in-depth, and it is important in market research. Market research is necessary because it tells about the choice of customers, helps in improving the quality of products, identifies fresh business opportunities, and is useful in developing marketing strategies related to pricing and distribution channels.

Selection of visitors and leads

The next tip for Facebook marketing is that they should follow the visitors and leads generated. So they can select their actual customers and know about the important leads for their business. With quizzes, marketers can create a full profile of visitors and segregate the leads, which will be helpful for their own business. You can engage with your leads by connecting them with Facebook emojis.

Individual marketing

The Facebook quiz helps in creating a platform for individual marketing. We can design quiz marketing in such a way that we can get maximum information about visitors and provide them with suitable recommendations according to their needs.

Methods of creating a Facebook Quiz

There is a need to discuss this topic in little detail, to understand the nitty-gritty, of creating an excellent attention-seeking quiz on Facebook.


Selection of title

The selection of titles regarding quizzes is a very important aspect of the Facebook quiz because it will make an impression on viewers regarding the firm. As we all know, “the first impression is the last impression”.

Selection of quiz type

The selection of quizzes is very important as it is a key reason to drive traffic of visitors. The quiz type can run on two themes:

Personality based quiz

This section deals with questions related to one’s personality and is more popular. The personality quiz can build a segment of customers who opted for our brand. We can recommend products according to their personalities revealed through answers.

Knowledge-based quiz

This kind of quiz mainly focuses on the knowledge of visitors in a particular subject. Your question can be around most trending topics, brands, or products that will reveal important information through the answers by visitors.

Creating questions for the quiz

After the selection of title and type of quiz, we should follow certain steps while making questions, so it grabs the attention of visitors.

Fusing personality in the quiz

Create a quiz in such a manner that it reflects your personality while asking a question. Another aspect is that the audience should feel comfortable with the quiz.

Image-based questions

The image makes a wonderful impression on the thoughts of people. Using images leads to more interesting and relevant sessions.

Avoid lengthy questionnaire

Limit your quiz to only 5 to 10 questions which they can answer in the minimum time lap. This helps in better interaction with the audience.

Sharing of results

The last part of designing the quiz should include the option of sharing results. This is the most important part where the audience wants to know about their performance. The result should be interesting so they can share it with others. Some ideas about creating results are

Results should carry positivity and with compliments to the audience. The marketers should not focus on negative emotions. Results should match the audience’s personality.

The use of images in producing results helps in giving good output that is worth sharing on social media. This will attract the attention of people on social media platforms.

The most important thing is that the results should not end abruptly. There should be some call to action button, such as a link to a website or product recommendations.

Marketing through automatic Follow-ups

We should follow all the leads collected through quizzes with the help of an automatic email system. These will help in converting leads to a potential customer for our business. Some tips on preparing an automatic email system.


Sending compliments like “Thank you for opting for our quiz” will help in brand promotion, and it will also remind the audience about their choice.

To give perfect knowledge about your products, you can apply the thoughts of encouraging the audience for retakes of quizzes. The thought says that either you can pick up an audience to make them know about the quiz results or retake the quiz and share the new results. This can prove beneficial for your business.

To gain brand popularity, supply an audience with testimonials gathered from other people. This will help in building trust with your leads.

The last step is to convert the audience into paying customers. This is the primary motive of the entire drill of quizzes we set forth. Send an email regarding your products, discount coupons encouraging them to buy.

Role of PowerAdSpy with the Facebook quiz


From a business point of view, we have explored Facebook quizzes and how it can be beneficial in the marketing of our products. The entire theme is incomplete as, between every quiz, there is a major part of an advertisement to promote our products. Therefore, for designing, engaging, and interesting advertisements, we need a tool for deep research on advertisements running in that segment.

PowerAdSpy is a tool that can help search millions of ads in a particular niche. Through this, we can have creative ideas according to the pulse of the market. And we know what works and what will not work.

Final Take

We carry quizzes regarding genuine marketing purposes. There are many benefits of this hidden gem, from collecting valuable data of leads and converting them into paying customers. We can use this data to enhance customers’ experience and deliver quality products and services. With the help of the Facebook quiz and PowerAdSpy, we can potentially influence a large number of visitors, which will add to the growth of a business.

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