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Facebook Policies: A Bittersweet Pill For Advertisers

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Facebook Policies: A Bittersweet Pill For Advertisers

In 2022, Facebook has evolved into a strange beast. Facebook definitely reigns supreme as the king of social media, with over 1.6 billion daily active users, however,  it has also been subjected to continual scrutiny in the aftermath of several data breaches over the years.

In the wake of constant criticism from the general public and even actions taken by many governments, one thing that has never remained static is Facebook policies.

Hence, we’re here today to assist you in managing the jumble that is the ever-changing list of Facebook commerce policies.

What Do You Need To Understand About Facebook Policies?

To the average person, Facebook is merely a social networking site where individuals share snippets of their lives, but for advertisers, it is one of the most profitable advertising platforms available.

While it is incredibly enticing for businesses to advertise on Facebook, Facebook must strictly regulate the quality of advertising presented to the general public to avoid anything that could harm people’s view of the platform or hurt sentiments. To do this, Facebook advertising policies were implemented to keep marketers and advertisements under check.

Facebook policies are more stringent than ever before, thanks to growing scrutiny into how Facebook monitors and assesses the material that users and advertisers support on their site.

As a result, if you want to advertise on Facebook, you must understand what is and isn’t authorized for your ads to be accepted.

What Are Facebook Advertising Policies? 

Facebook Advertising Policies give guidance on what types of ad content are permitted. Violations of Facebook policies may result in action being taken against your profile, connected Pages, and/or ad accounts.

How To Make Your Advertisements Adhere To Facebook Policies?


The Facebook ad policy was developed to maintain the network safe for its users. Any marketer/advertiser on the Facebook network must adhere to these principles and standards.

Here are some things to avoid while making advertisements: 

Unlawful Products or Services

You must not include, facilitate, or promote illegal products, services, or activities in your Facebook advertising.

Discriminatory Conduct 

Discriminatory behavior of any type is not prohibited according to Facebook policies. Your advertisements must not include any element that discriminates or promotes discrimination against people based on personal characteristics.

Tobacco, Alcohol, And Similar Items

Your advertisements should not promote the sale or use of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, cigars, or other smoking-related products as these go against the Facebook commerce policies.

Adult Material, Product, Or Service

You must not advocate the sale or usage of adult content, goods, or services in your Facebook ads as it goes against the Facebook commerce policies.

Body Parts Sales

According to Facebook marketplace policies, you are not allowed to sell human organs or fluids on the platform, which is understandable.

Spreading False Information And Violations Of Third-Party Rights

Facebook policies restrict the marketers that repeatedly share incorrect information to promote. Furthermore, your advertisements must not violate any third-party copyright.

Controversial Content And Hate Speech

As per Facebook policies, your Facebook advertising should not contain anything that exploits a crisis or a contentious political or social topic for financial gain. Ads must also be free of vulgarity and have proper grammar and punctuation.

Deceptive Content, Poor Quality, Or Misleading Claims

Your Facebook advertisements must not contain misleading, inaccurate, or exaggerated claims, such as claims to characterize the efficacy or attributes of a product or service. Ads must not include material that links to external landing sites, which may deliver an unexpected or disruptive experience.

While there are many more standards that you have to adhere to before advertising on Facebook, we believe that we have addressed the most significant ones. Just keep in mind to not post anything that violates Facebook ad policies or is controversial, and don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

Creating Successful And Efficient Facebook Ads

In the realm of Facebook advertising, it’s easy to become lost. Facebook offers a dizzying array of targeting options, advertising best practices, and ad formats, ranging from behavioral targeting to pixel tracking.

So, without further ado, let’s get started on how to make Facebook ads that are both effective and profitable.

Create Relevant Advertisements

The Relevance Score of your adverts on Facebook determines their quality and level of interaction. The lower your relevance score, the less relevant it is to your target audience, and the more you’ll have to pay to keep it in circulation.

You can improve your relevance score by using hyper-specific targeting, experimentation, and just making excellent ads.

Understand Ad Placements

Not every Facebook ad placement is the same. While a novice Facebook advertiser may opt for automatic ad placements, changing the location of your advertising can have a big impact on the campaign’s success. Furthermore, different placements work best when combined with specific marketing—traffic campaigns, engagement initiatives, and so on.

Learn About Ad Sizing And Specifications

Following is a brief breakdown of the ad specifications you should be aware of –

  • Image advertisements: Dimensions: 1,200 x 628 pixels Ratio: 1.91:1. Text length is 90 characters. Headline length is 25 characters. 30 character link description
  • Video advertisements: .mov or.mp4 format Ratio: 16:9. Minimum resolution: 720p. Maximum file size: 2.3 GB Size of thumbnail: 1,200 x 675 pixels. Text length is 90 characters. Headline length is 25 characters. 30 character link description
  • Carousel advertisements: Image resolution: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels. Image/video ratio: one to one. Text length is 90 characters. Headline length: 40 characters. 20-character link description
  • Slideshow advertisements: Dimensions: 1,289 x 720 pixels 16:9, 1:1, or 2:3 ratio Text length is 90 characters. Headline length is 25 characters. 30 character link description
  • Following these Facebook ad guidelines and policies will ensure that your ads display correctly.

Create A Clear And Concise CTA With Clear Action

CTAs involving content consumption, such as liking your Facebook page, signing up for more content, or collecting email addresses, are more suited for inventive brand recognition campaigns. Moreover, rather than attempting to engage or entertain, direct response advertising is best served by addressing common purchasing roadblocks.

Follow Your Competitors

We don’t mean it literally when we say “Follow Your Competitors.” We’re talking about scrutinizing and evaluating their content, as well as their reach, audience types, and success rates. Only then you will be able to develop an effective marketing strategy for your next campaign.

The cost of Facebook ads has risen in recent years, and this trend is projected to continue. As a result, observing and analyzing your competitors’ strategies as part of your competitor analysis is preferable to investing a large sum of money without knowing what you’re doing.

So, before you launch your next ad campaign, examine your competitors’ ad libraries to see what works for them and what may work for you.

But, how do you conduct Competitor Ad Analysis easily and effectively? 

The answer is simple, PowerAdSpy!

There are numerous tools and technologies available to assist you in understanding what your competitors are doing on Facebook and other social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Google, native marketing, and so on.

One such application is PowerAdSpy, which allows you to follow your competitors’ Facebook adverts in real-time. PowerAdSpy is the most powerful social media ad analytics tool available, and it will improve the overall performance of your social media ad campaigns. It can help you uncover undiscovered niches and lucrative prospects, saving you time and effort on content production, campaign target selection, niche research, and other tasks.

It enables you to create advertisements for Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, and numerous other social networking sites. If you’re seeking ad inspiration for your next advertising campaign, PowerAdSpy is a great place to find them!

How are you going to do that? Follow the simple actions outlined below to find out.

Step 1: Log In 

Navigate to the PowerAdSpy home page and click on the Login button.

Step 2: Enter A Keyword You Want To Search For

A search box at the top of the page allows you to enter a term for which you want adverts. You may look up a domain, an advertiser, or a keyword.

Step 3: Search, Sort, And Filter Options

You can look for words, a logo, an object, or something celebratory in the image. You may also cut the advertising down with likes, shares, and comments. PowerAdSpy also offers a comprehensive filter option that allows you to search advertising by location, ad kind, and ad position.

Step 4: Explore The Extensive Ad Insights

PowerAdSpy provides the most accurate ad insights, such as demographic, gender, target profile, relationship status, social engagement, nation, and so forth.

Step 5: Find Similar Ads

PowerAdSpy also displays adverts that are similar to the one you landed on. It also helps you find comparable advertisements to use as a reference for your advertising campaign.

Now that you know how PowerAdSpy works and how it operates, let us get right into its impressive list of features.

Filter Ad By Positions

It gives you complete control over your ad research. You can split social advertising depending on position in the news feed and side location to discover which performs better in your niche for conversions.

Complete Visibility

It offers thorough ad data and the ability to view real-time interactions by browsing live ad posts straight from the platform.

Bookmark The Best Ads

You can save ad ideas that you’d want to employ in future campaigns as bookmarks, and they’ll be added to your customized Ads inventory.

Powerful Search Algorithms

PowerAdSpy lets you locate advertisements relevant to your business as well as common keywords/phrases/terms inside adverts. You may also filter those advertisements by date, shares, likes, and comments to uncover the most effective advertising for your campaign.

Combination Of Video And Image Ads

The fastest-growing part of PowerAdSpy is Social Video Advertisements, which gives you insights into the kind of video advertising that your audience responds to and lets you download them for future ad campaigns.

Also Read-

Facebook Ad Policy: 16 Things You Should Avoid At Any Cost

Facebook Ad Guidelines and Policies: Everything You Need To Know


Facebook advertising is an excellent platform for spreading the word and reaching your target demographics. However, it is not as simple as it appears. You can’t just design an ad and expect Facebook policies to approve it.

Before being presented to the general public, your advertisements must comply with a broad and ever-changing set of regulations. And, while this may appear to be overkill, many previous mishaps have led us to believe that it is not.

So, if you are an advertiser looking to advertise and promote on Facebook, be mindful of the many Facebook policies and ensure that your marketing is in accordance with Facebook requirements.

In the end, you must abide by the law of the land. However, if you truly want to succeed in advertising, a simple and effective method to do so is through competitor analysis, and what better way to examine your competitors’ advertisements than with PowerAdSpy.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for PowerAdSpy today and take your Facebook advertising to the next level.
