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Facebook Ad Dimensions – Learn How a Successful Ad Needs to Be

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Facebook Ad Dimensions – Learn How a Successful Ad Needs to Be

If you are one of the three million businesses or brands that advertise Facebook, you probably know that one of the keys to success when it comes to social media advertising is the content. This is the reason why it’s very important to know the exact Facebook ad dimensions you need to use when designing your ad campaign.

The thing is there isn’t only one ad type and a single set of content sizes marketers need to take into account. There are five of them. And if the Facebook ad variety weren’t enough, design specs are always changing as well. It can be hard sometimes to stay on top of the recommended Facebook ad dimensions for all the different ad types.

Those eager to learn how to design a successful Facebook ad can find below updated image and video specs. As well as how much text they should include in their ads.


But before jumping into the Facebook ad dimensions topic, let’s see what ad types Facebook offers advertisers from all over the world.

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Facebook Ad Types

Businesses that want to try Facebook advertising have five different types of ads to choose from:

  • Single image ad: This is the most basic type of ad. It can include an image, some text, a CTA button and a link. You can create up to six variations of the ad with the same image.
  • Single video ad: It’s basically the same as the single image ad. Except you can use one video, not an image.
  • Carousel: This type of ad allows you to use two to 10 scrollable images or videos.
  • Slideshow: The slideshow ad lets you create a video-like experience for your viewers with up to 10 images
  • Collection: As the name suggests, this ad type allows marketers to showcase a collection of four products by pairing video or images with what they want to promote.

Recommended Facebook ad dimensions

Single image ad dimensions

This is one of the most versatile types of Facebook ad and brands can use it with every objective, bar for video views. In terms of image specs, the recommended image size is 1,200 x 628 pixels. Image ratio should be 9:16 to 16: 9 (which will be cropped to 1.91:1 when accompanied by a link). Panoramas and 360 images can also be used. They will be seen as an interactive experience.

As for the ad copy, the headline should not be longer than 25 characters. The text should be 125 characters long at the most, while the link description is limited to 30 characters.

For more exposure for the Facebook ad, it is advisable to use images that contain no overlaid text. If it cannot be avoided, the text should be kept to minimal.

Single video ad dimensions

Video ads can be used with any objective. Except for product catalog promotion. The specs brands should consider are as follows: .mp4, .mov, or .gif video format, 9:16 to 16:9 aspect ratio, 600 pixels minimum resolution, 4GB maximum size, up to 240 minutes video length. Copy specs stay the same as above.


Carousel ad specs

For carousel ads, the only difference from the above types is that Facebook recommends using image size 1,080 x 1,080 pixels (30MB max) with 1:1 image ratio. As for carousel video ads, video resolution should be 720 x 720 pixels minimum, with 1:1 aspect ratio and a maximum length of 60 minutes.

Copy specs change here as well. As such, text should have 90 characters, the headline 40 characters, and the description 20 characters.

Slideshow ad specs

Facebook slideshow video ads should include images of 1,280 x 720 pixels, with 16:9, 1:1, or 2:3 aspect ratio, and videos in .mov or .mp4 format. The most important thing here is to be consistent so that your ad looks nice.

Collection ad specs

In this new type of ad, businesses can use a cover image or video and several other product images. They will be displayed in full screen creating an immersive experience for the viewer.  For the image, the recommended aspect ratio is 1.9:1 and size: 1,200 x 628 pixels. If each image used is a different size, the slideshow will automatically crop to 1:1.

Also Read:

Facebook Video Ad Dimensions – Guidelines

Why Facebook Dimension Is More Important Than You Think?

Examples of effective Facebook ads

An example of a successful single image ad is created by, a project management tool for multiple operating systems. In the ad, the company took advantage of Apple’s brand awareness by focusing on its product’s compatibility with Mac computers. It combined its own logo with the rainbow colors of the Apple brand in an eye-catching image.

Kay Jewelers’ Facebook video ad in which a man proposes to a woman is a successful ad that tells a quick but touching story. It’s successful and effective because it has the right Facebook dimensions. It’s short, visual and has a relevant message.

A multi-product ad by Shutterfly is another example of an effective ad. Besides following the recommended Facebook ad dimensions, this ad works due to coherence. As all images follow a consistent color palette, the great offer it advertises, which is clearly stated (40% off each of the products displayed), and the clear call-to-action.

Moreover, you can also spy on various facebook ad examples using ad intelligence tools like PowerAdSpy to create the best ad campaign for brand.  It will help you boost your online presence and gain an upper edge in the market.



Using the recommended Facebook ad dimensions enables you to create high-quality ads that look great. Regardless of where they will appear on Facebook – in the news feed for desktop or mobile, or the right sidebar, it will drive results for your business. You can also spy your competition for the best results.

