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Facebook Giveaways: A Brilliant Way To Generate Leads

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Facebook Giveaways: A Brilliant Way To Generate Leads

Since the inception of Facebook, it has registered over 2 billion active users and is more popular than any other social media platform. With its myriad users globally, brands are putting effort into grabbing the attention of users and trying to stay ahead of their competition. In such cases, the Facebook giveaways are a simple and effective way to generate traffic and followers on your page.

In the current scenario of paying to generate leads on the social media platform, Facebook giveaways are the only remaining option where you don’t have to pay a single penny. Even if you are posting quality content and engaging people with your content, there is no guarantee that it will result in sales. The Facebook giveaway is a sure-shot way to succeed and promote more sales. Here in this article, we all the steps and guidelines we will present in a broader perspective, so you have a better understanding of how to run Facebook giveaways.

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Selection Of Prize For Facebook Giveaways


The most crucial part of the Facebook giveaways is a selection of prizes. The prize should be attractive enough so that people can trade off their personal information for a prize. Therefore, choosing goodies should be of actual value that interests your audience in winning. Points to remember while choosing the prize.

  • The prize should relate to business. If you give away prizes like Mobile phones or electronic gadgets, it will attract only those who are interested in it. In this context, we can provide a gift card or store credit, which will guarantee that entry will show some interest in the product or service.
  • Giving a prize package shows better results as compared to a single prize. It may be attractive or appealing to people rather than offering a single prize.

Targeting Of Goals

Creating targets is the first step towards following the Facebook marketing strategy. Some examples of Facebook marketing strategies can create brand awareness through several impressions. The next goal for making a strategy is to increase people’s engagement through quality content. Another target can be a collection of personal data based on the feedback of products and services for the future. On identifying our goals, it is easy to discover what type of contest we can run and how it will work.

Selection Of Appropriate Audience


The main motive for running a contest is that the people should like the brand or products rather than cash prizes. The value of a brand depends on winning the appreciation of the brand by customers. We should know why we are running a contest. With the help of these, we are trying to create our brand value, so it is important to maximize the contest reach among people.

Selection Of Theme

Another important aspect of the Facebook giveaways is that it should have a theme on which you can promote your product or send a gift card via Facebook. The theme can be anything such as the end-of-season sales to a business anniversary. There are a variety of topics on which you can run your theme. Therefore, the theme should be unique and able to illustrate the design, communicate, and describe the rules of entry for the giveaway. In this way, the theme will tell the reason for introducing a giveaway, and it will attract potential customers.

Creating And Publishing A Facebook giveaways page

Facebook Giveaways page is simple and provides an option of many beautiful templates to begin with. We don’t need the help of a designer to do all tasks. Through this, we can design attractive Facebook giveaways pages. We can publish giveaways directly on Facebook business pages or landing pages on a website. This will help to save our effort and time. Guidelines for proper giveaways

  • Designing a headline should be attractive enough that it grabs the attention of people and is beneficial for us.
  • While designing the Facebook giveaways page, visuals should be of higher quality, so it enhance the excitement. It provides the necessary attention, which the user is seeking for winning and other benefits.
  • The creation of the entry form should be in a way that is easy to understand and provides us with the necessary information to email subscribers later. This is beneficial for contestants to fill entries and helpful for our business to generate leads.
  • The page should include details on the qualifications for entry. It should also include details of the prize offered. And consider the full description of color, model, and value.
  • The share buttons help participants to share the giveaway with their friends. The benefit of using a giveaway tool is that we can reward with a bonus to the persons who share the giveaway, and we can provide them with some chance of winning.

Promoting And Sharing Facebook Giveaways


After creating Facebook giveaways or Facebook Messenger giveaways, we have to promote them for traffic. We can make it organic or paid as per our requirements. For starters, paid promotion can help the generation of traffic to a giveaway page. It is a suitable option for the budget. If you are opting for paid promotion, nothing better than Facebook ads, which can target a vast audience at a marginal cost.

Promoting giveaways organically includes updating the profile and a link to the giveaway. Another way is by contacting through emails, providing information about giveaways, and tempting people to share with others.

Adding a banner or pop-up is another option on the website to remind visitors regarding a giveaway. We can also advertise on all the social media channels which we are using. The addition of a Call to action can be a suitable option for blog posts we share on social media.

Follow Up

An ideal giveaway feature should be capable of picking winners automatically in a random way. And should be active to send alerts about the giveaways. The giveaway must announce the winning entry on all communicating channels and social media platforms because people want to know about the winning entries. Another important aspect is that we have to email the total entries registered in the giveaway. It should include information about the winner, the prize, and information regarding a business.

Here onwards, the next step is to engage with the audience or people who shared their personal information during a giveaway.  It means contacting them through personal email or telling them about special offers or newsletters to email subscribers. With these thoughts, follow-up helps in turning potential leads into buying customers.

Facebook Rules For Contest

The rules for contests change regularly on Facebook, which helps promoters to stay updated. It provides a facility for running contests on the platform with no support. Facebook does not support overused and spam content. There are three rules to running a contest on Facebook

  • The contest should be legal, and Facebook does not support it if you are breaking laws while running the contest.
  • Another rule for running a contest on Facebook is that Facebook is not responsible or related to the contest in which we are running. We can say that all the regulations, notifications, and consents are included in our landing page.
  • As the guidelines of Facebook say, there is no need for tagging a friend or sharing a post anymore.

Wrapping up: Use The Campaign Research Tool

Today every business is facing more competition in their segment, and tools like social media have become a means to scale up the sales or business. To run a better Facebook giveaways contest, we have to peep into other people who have already run the contest in that segment. Businesses can also connect with their audience by adding Facebook emojis to their ad marketing, which will help businesses grow their lead count.

To resolve this problem, there is an app named PowerAdSpy present in the market today, which can search through databases and present you with ideas of previous contests that can help run the contest to earn the brand value. With this, we can also have data analysis on a theme that will work or be more responsive. With tools like PowerAdSpy, we can do the entire research on existing successful contests before designing the work.

A standalone Facebook giveaways is an excellent way to promote your business and products, and you must harness the immense benefits of it if you are looking forward to creating your brand value.

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