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Everything You Need To Know About Emojis For Facebook Ads

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Everything You Need To Know About Emojis For Facebook Ads

For advertising, we have to be very specific and selective about content as it creates an impression on visitors and leads them to buy decisions. Thus advertising is one of the important aspects of any marketing campaign of the company as it leads to sales and generation of revenue for the company.

Therefore, we have to plan an excellent strategy and creative content before the launch of any advertising campaign. In this article, we will explore a very useful section on emojis for Facebook ads.

Today in advertising, there is a major shift towards the digital platform covering a wide area and myriad audiences as people are more connected through social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook itself has a presence of 3 billion people around the world, along with 60 million advertisers working simultaneously on promoting their products daily. This huge data makes clear how valuable Facebook ads can be in generating business for companies.

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They have conducted a wide variety of experiments on Facebook ads to create more impressions on visitors and attract their attention, which will generate income from it. In this series, they also conducted several experiments using emoji for Facebook ads, which shows researchers that the ad conversion rate increased by 50% with the use of the right emoji.

Typically emojis are the non-verbal way of communication to deliver the message across the potential shopper’s head. They are entertaining and playful, saving a lot of space on headlines and adding emotions to the banner or post. Nowadays, they represent a universal symbolic language in the advertising world to deliver the right message in fewer words.

Background of Emojis

Emojis are the ideograms that we use in electronic messages, or social media posts to represent certain meanings. It can be anything, facial expressions, common objects, animal images, and weather elements clip art. They derive emoji from Japanese culture in which the prefix  E means picture, and Moji means character.


We also call them pictographs, and they have a resemblance to the English word emoticons. Emojis first appeared on the phone in 1997 on Japanese mobiles, slowly gaining popularity and spreading across social media platforms along with several mobile phones.

Does The Use of Emojis For The FB Ad Work?

Researchers have found that more retention of attention and buying decisions through ads depends on an emotional endorsement. Emojis are also the expressive representation of emotions and could convey deep meaning if added to texts.

Therefore, this increases the probability of emojis for Facebook ads to be successful in retaining the audience’s attention and leading them to buy decisions.

Recent analysis and research reports reveal that Facebook ad emojis have a 50% higher click-through rate and twice more engagement rate than normal ads without emojis. These tremendous results have led many big companies to take advantage of this facility available by using emojis on Facebook ads and posts.

Advantages Of Using Emoji For Facebook Ads

There are several benefits of using emojis for Facebook ads which will be helpful for others in figuring out a good strategy to implement them.


Draw and retain the attention

Emojis are pictorial representations of emotions and meaning. Therefore, they are better at drawing attention and sustaining them for a longer duration. They are attention magnets that attract people more and can effectively highlight the texts of ads.

Emojis have better engagement rates than normal words do and leave more effect on the audience. They can add colors and vitality to the synchronous monochromatic texts.

Delivering a clear message

Emojis are effectively clear in delivering the right emotions we want to convey through our ads and also reduce the risk of the audience misinterpreting our intentions. Another positivity about emojis is that they can save space and effort as it’s better to use one emoji which will convey equivalent meaning to multiple words.

Resolves language barrier

Emojis are pictographs that make them an international pictorial language understood by anyone from distinct cultures or languages as they represent emotions. This opens another possibility of serving the people with the same ads who don’t even understand your language. You can work and influence people from different demographics, and locations having different cultures.


Becoming part of life

We have already accepted emojis worldwide long ago, and they have become a part of our culture. They are having a significant impact on our day-to-day lives with the widespread use of social media around the globe.

Indirect response advertising

Using emojis on Facebook ads, the content of advertisements looks non-promotional. This basic reason for friendliness has the advantage of making ads grab more attention than conventional ads. It acts similarly to a call to action button, which creates indirect responses and compels people to click on the link or button, for example, use of learn more button instead of sign up or buy now.

Some Disadvantages Of Emojis

Despite many benefits, there are few disadvantages also with the use of emojis for FB ads. Extensive use of emojis will make ads look less professional and will decrease the ad performance. Therefore, it is necessary to use them wisely.

Another major disadvantage is that it will make your ad less readable and can annoy, so emojis are not always helpful. One should keep in mind the pros and cons before using them while properly analyzing their effects.

How To Use Emojis

We should do the proper analysis before the use of emojis for Facebook marketing ads and then apply an excellent strategy. According to the suitability of the industry, we should implement emojis. We should consider every point like when, and where to use them. The ultimate step would choose specific emoji according to our needs as different emojis convey different messages.

For example, positive emojis like smiling faces are great for establishing a brand in a friendly manner, but sometimes negative emojis can also support your message. Therefore, it is advisable to choose them wisely.


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Where To Find Emojis And Tips On Utilization

There are various sources on the web where we can find emojis, but the best source is Emojipedia. In Emojipedia, we can find all the emojis in a well-organized manner from where we can directly copy and paste them.

There is another excellent source to find emojis is Getemoji. There are a few points for the effective utilization of emojis, so they will be relevant in our Facebook ads. You can also provide Facebook giveaways to your audiences for better engagement.

Check the emojis’ meaning in Emojipedia before using it as they should not have some different hidden meanings. Apart from this, emojis should convey some story rather than being some nonsense use. Use emojis to strengthen the message or as highlighted text or to add emoticons to ads.


Use PowerAdSpy For Excellent Results

We should apply Facebook ad emojis as advised after proper analysis of ad results and effective strategy. PowerAdSpy is an ad search software that can help us in this process. PowerAdSpy has a database of millions of ads from where you can search for ads of a particular type in a specific niche.

It can produce a detailed analysis of how ads performed in that niche, giving us a clear vision of what will work and what will not. PowerAdSpy can also help us strategize our work for the selection of emojis for Facebook ads.

Wrapping Up

Effective use of emojis on Facebook ads is necessary for creating more audience engagement. They should carry the right meaning and should reveal a story for more retention of attention. We should implement a data-driven approach in using emojis for Facebook ads, and PowerAdSpy can help us through analysis and applying data-driven decision-making.

We should study emojis and check with implementation whether or not ads are appealing. If followed the right methodology, your marketing efforts would turn out to be successful.

