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How Can You Use A Facebook Call To Action For Your Business?

How can you stay ahead of competitors where every marketer and businessman are prophesying novel ideas to generate more sales? Another question also comes when you want more email subscribers or when your ad campaign on social media could not generate more conversion rates? Keeping in mind all the questions, Facebook came up with an […]


Facebook Ad Policies 2024: Why Do My Ads Keep Getting Rejected?

July has arrived, we are almost in the middle of the year, but still, you are not hands-free on running successful ad campaigns. Are your Facebook ads still getting rejected? Hurtful…Right? Don’t Worry! You are not alone in this. It happens with all, whoever has spent countless hours designing the best creatives, writing their ad […]


Facebook Ads For E-Commerce: Top 10 Tips To Boost Your Sales

Someone who is actively promoting an e-commerce store might have already implemented various marketing strategies to gain more sales for their business. But whatever they try, it’s never been enough to satisfy their expectations. What you want is to get: More traffic on the e-commerce site. Gain prospective customers instead of accidental visitors. Conversions to […]


How Facebook Ads For Restaurants Can Be Useful During A Pandemic?

Day by day, Facebook ads are becoming one of the major segments of social media marketing for your products and services. It has a huge impact on the market, with its two billion users that are still increasing worldwide. Facebook ads cover every segment of different industries selling their products and services online, and hence […]