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How To Boost A Post On Facebook In 7 Easy Steps

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How To Boost A Post On Facebook In 7 Easy Steps

Do you have a Facebook page? Have you ever thought of How to boost a post on Facebook? When you want to promote a brand, business, a celebrity or your organization then Facebook allows you to create a page instead of a personal profile. Pages do not have friends but fans who are the people who like your page.

Pages have similar options to a personal profile of updating your statuses, photos, videos, links and events which can be posted on it. When you post these on a page then it will appear on the timeline of a page as well as the news feed of your fans’ wall.

And when you post anything on a page then Facebook has an option to boost your post. It is a paid advertisement on Facebook specific to a particular post you have made in your business page. A Facebook boosted post amplifies the reach of a post to the network of your fans as well as a wider audience whom you can select while boosting.

A boost post is different from any Facebook ad because of its limited settings of ad placements and audience targeting. To choose a post to boost, you have to take many factors into consideration like which post is worth boosting that will allow maximum engagement, promotion or monetization of your product about which the post has been made.


Since boosting posts is not a free option, you have to know the basics of how to boost a post on Facebook to get the maximum ROI on the same. Remember that by boosting your post, it will attract traffic to your page as well by those who would like to know more about your business. Hence make sure that you have all the information available on your page for them to engage effectively with your brand.

To start with you should have a fully informative page of your business.

This is how you create a page on Facebook:

After you login to your Facebook account, on the homepage you will see a “create” option on the top right corner next to the home button. Click on that.

Four options would appear in a drop-down out of which the first one says “Page”. By clicking on that it will show you the create page options.

Two options will be shown: Business or community/public figure. Choose the right one and enter all the details about the page.


And that’s it. Your page is ready for you to promote to the wider audience. You can start by inviting people on your social network to like the page and that’s how your page starts getting popular from level one.

Now, whenever you make a new post on this page, a “boost post” option will appear at the bottom of your post.

How to boost a post on Facebook?

Following are the steps that you can follow to finish boosting your post:

Select which post to boost:

You may post any number of posts on your business page but it is not necessary to boost all of them. You have to be very specific in choosing which post to boost that will allow maximum engagement with your audience and attract their attention. Hence, choosing the right post to boost is the first step towards promoting your brand.

Click on the “boost post” option:

Once you have selected the post, you can see a “boost post” option appearing at the bottom of the post. Clicking on that will lead you to all the customized settings that you have to make in order to boost this post.

Select your objective:

You will have to decide what response you would like to get from your audience. Is it just to promote and spread awareness of your brand by receiving likes and shares from the people or you want to engage more with your prospects by starting a conversation with them.
Choose whichever option is more suitable to your needs.

Add button:

Facebook has an option to add buttons to your post which will allow viewers to connect directly to you through Facebook messenger or Whatsapp. If you are eager to start conversations right away then you can insert this button on your post. If it is just for awareness then you can leave it unselected and no button will appear.

Target Audience:

This is the most important option as this is where all the major settings about your audience are done. You have many options to select from the vast ranges Facebook allows to target your audience.

Marketers always deal with this question about how would you know which audience settings would allow maximum response from your prospects? And this where a smart tool like PowerAdSpy comes handy.


Before deciding which audience to reach you will have to do some research on existing ads which are performing best in the online market. Hence, through PowerAdSpy you can get the top performing latest ads of your competitors. Once you have got those ads the “analytics” option associated with those ads will reveal the kind of audiences who are interacting with those ads.

These audiences can range from various countries to different age-groups, genders and they may have varied interests which they have shown in Facebook.

Once you have got these metrics and see by yourself that these metrics are performing best for your competitors, you can simply replicate these settings of audience in your Facebook boost post option. Facebook also has similar classifications of your target audience ranging from demographics, interests, age, etc.

Choose the right settings from PowerAdSpy and stay rest assured that your boosted post would reach the exact match of the audience you have selected in Facebook.

Duration and Budget:

Select the number of days you would like your post to be running on the news feed of your audience.

Based on the number of days you select an amount would be displayed below which you need to pay for running your post for those many number of days. The more number of days, the more you need to pay.


Once all the settings are made you will be shown the total amount including taxes that you need to pay to Facebook.

After paying your amount and that’s it, your post will be boosted according to the right settings you have already made.

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These are the simple steps through which you can boost your post on Facebook. Since you are paying money to boost your post, you have to make sure that you get the maximum ROI on your ads. Hence, PowerAdSpy helps you bust the unknown area and gives you sure shot details of the already running top ads on Facebook.

You can also get an idea of the content you must put in your posts to get the maximum response by knowing and creating the content of the top performing ads on Facebook through PowerAdSpy. It is easy to use while it does all the calculation of demographics in the background in a more detailed way than you can imagine.

The user interface of this software has been intentionally kept simple to match with the audience of Facebook or other social media users.

This is how it shows ads on its dashboard based on the search criteria on the left hand side:


There are thousands of ads that are being added on Facebook everyday and you won’t know which ones are performing best unless you make use of a smart tool like PowerAdspy.

So what are you waiting for?

Buy your copy of PowerAdSpy today and realise the immense benefits of this Ad spying software by yourself.
