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A Complete Guide To Facebook Banner Size For Marketers

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A Complete Guide To Facebook Banner Size For Marketers

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with more than 2.6 billion monthly active users. Facebook has attained the highest position on social media platforms. And this is the reason why businesses use Facebook for marketing purposes.

But, for creating the right audience you need to gain the engagement and attention of the right users. So how do you accomplish that?
Well, there are some elements in this platform that require your attention. One of them is Facebook Banner or Cover.

The ideal dimension for Facebook Banner is 820 pixels wide by 462 pixels tall.

Although simply knowing the dimensions is not enough, utilizing the Facebook Banner or cover to its full potential requires much more to comprehend.

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In this blog, we will be discussing what a Facebook banner is, the Ideal Banner size for Facebook, best practices, and some useful tools. So let’s get started!

What Is Facebook Banner Or Cover:


The big rectangular portion that you see on the top of the Facebook page is called a Facebook banner or cover. It is one of the first things that people see when they visit your page, and this is exactly why it is so crucial to make the best first impression possible.

If you are using Facebook for marketing purposes for your business and for gaining followers, Facebook banners play a vital role in achieving your goal.

Importance Of An Attractive Facebook Banner:

To some, a Facebook cover photo is just that picture that decorates the top of your page. To others, it’s a great way to boost your brand awareness and spread the word about your business across the world’s most used social network.

Whatever your view on Facebook, a well thought and designed Facebook cover photo can help take your page to new heights.

A good Facebook banner can help attract new customers to your business for relatively little cost, just some planning, and designing can help you achieve your goals.

What Is The Size Of A Facebook Banner For Smartphone And Computer:


The Facebook banner size for computers has a very non-standard ratio of 205:78, when the mobile display has a very basic 16:9 ratio. These two don’t work well together.

The thing is you want your photo to look best on computers as well as smartphones. But choosing one or the other display size might look odd somewhere.

If you decide to choose 820×312 for computers, on a smartphone it will get cropped on both sides, while choosing the size suitable for smartphones top and bottom will get cropped on your computer.

This might sound a bit complicated but the good news is that Facebook does not reduce image quality too much. It crops your image in an odd way which can be solved.

Here are the simple steps to follow!

By making your image 820×462 pixels, you can optimize your image to look good on both computers and smartphones.

Now, when you use this size for your photo, you have to keep in mind that the top and bottom of your image will be cropped off your image.

Leave yourself about 50 pixels on the top and bottom to make sure nothing important gets cropped off, and the rest of the image will look best on both devices.

Best Practices For Choosing Banner Size For Facebook:


Facebook keeps changing the layout of business pages, and their tweaks may affect how your Facebook banner looks.

For example, do you remember when your page profile photo hung slightly over the cover photo? It doesn’t do that anymore. Now, your profile picture is located near the top left of the page and not overlapping the cover photo.

While it was easy to put your creativity in blending both photos to make them look attractive, you can’t do that anymore. But you still want all the elements to complement each other, Right? So here are some tips!

The most important tip is to always comply with Facebook Guidelines. Facebook promotes the pages and content.

Make sure your cover is not deceptive, misleading, or violates anyone’s copyright, Don’t include third-party products, brands, or sponsors within your Page’s cover photo or profile picture.

As mentioned earlier the profile photo on a page is shifted to the left side position, so you might consider keeping the focal point of your Facebook banner closer to the right side. Adjust your focal point slightly right of center and keep the majority of the text to the right to maintain balance.
Try to draw attention to the call-to-action buttons just below your banner, like “Send a Message” or “Join the Group.” Add elements to banner photos that encourage visitors to click on CTA buttons.

Enhance Your Facebook Marketing Game:


So, now you have understood the importance of the Facebook Banner in your marketing strategy. There are many other factors and elements that affect your Facebook marketing strategy.

And all this can be overwhelming for beginners. But don’t worry there is an amazing tool that will assist you in enhancing the overall marketing strategy on Facebook marketing.



Now that you have understood the importance of minute details for Facebook marketing, you must also have understood that marketing on this platform can be a tiresome and time-consuming job. PowerAdSpy is an amazing Facebook marketing tool that can help you gain the best results.

PowerAdSpy is an ad intelligence software that allows you to profit big without wasting away your ad budget on ads that won’t work. This amazing tool helps you to explore and find the most engaging ads online.

It presents you comprehensive insights into the ads which you can use to interpret and design your next ad campaigns and increase gains.

PowerAdSpy helps in optimizing your page, by helping you look for the best keywords suited to your niche.

PowerAdSpy is the fastest-growing ad database with Millions of Ads from over 15+ Countries updated regularly.

It enables you to attain the most advanced and successful ads which helps you create the best marketing strategies.

You can find the ads you need by searching for popular keywords, phrases, and terms within the top-performing ads.

You can then use the aspects such as date, shares, likes, and comments to efficiently find the best ads to grow your own campaign.

PowerAdSpy provides you with engagement-oriented details about Facebook Ads.

It helps you to identify which ads are really a winner in your niche to build your campaign.

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Facebook is a huge social media marketing platform with millions of users. If you want to draw your target audience, it is essential to optimize your photos to the Facebook page banner size. It gives the best first impression on visitors and helps you boost your brand image.

I have covered most of the current Facebook banner size tips that can help you grow your Facebook Page. Let me know your thoughts on this in the comment section below!
