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Why Should You Get Facebook Blueprint Certification?

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Why Should You Get Facebook Blueprint Certification?

Is Facebook blueprint certification really worth it? If you wish to be a successful Facebook marketer, this question might have come to your mind. Yes! Being a certified professional has many advantages, and it helps you get the attention of your clients, boss, or your future employees as well.

Since the date it got launched, many people have shown their interest. With more than 90 mini-courses that are free to take, anyone who wants to explore more Facebook advertising can take this knowledge to improve their effective Facebook marketing strategies.

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So let’s find out what Facebook blueprint certification really is?

What is Facebook Blueprint Certification?

It is an official online training course by Facebook that helps you learn about the basics and fundamentals of Facebook and Instagram marketing. As we have already discussed earlier, it has 90 mini-courses. And each course would take hardly 10 to 15 minutes to finish. All you need to do is to log in with your Facebook account and start learning.


There you can learn about all the latest updates and changes happening on Facebook and Instagram ads. And at the end of that, Facebook offers you to give exams on six core basics of Facebook marketing and get separate blueprint certificate badges for each of these.

  • Facebook Certified Digital Marketing Associate
  • Facebook Certified Media Buying Professional
  • Facebook Certified Media Planning Professional
  • Facebook Certified Creative Strategy Professional
  • Facebook Certified Marketing Science Professional
  • Facebook Certified Marketing Developer

Besides these, there are two more exams: Facebook Certified Advanced Marketing Developer and Facebook Certified Advertising API developer. For taking these exams, you will have to pay $99 to $150 USD, depending on the level of courses (Basic and Advanced).

Get Started With Facebook Blueprint-

The initial part of the course explains how to create a Facebook page and promote your business through that. For that,


Starting With Facebook Ads

There are 13 classes for beginners in Facebook marketing. Here, beginners can also learn about Ad policies for content, audience targeting, and creative aspects. That way, you can ensure not to get your ad account banned on Facebook.

Advanced Buying Options

In the next part, marketers learn about advertising. That part covers everything from the bidding, billing, payment to the end delivery overview. Under the advanced section, you’ll learn about Facebook TV ads, reach and frequency campaigns.

Target Right Audience

Proceeding a step further, the next part of the Facebook blueprint offers 11 courses on improving the targeting options with Facebook advertising.

Build Brand Awareness

Next, you will learn about campaigns to build brand awareness, starting from beginner level to intermediate level courses. And along with that, you will also learn about how to drive consideration and generate leads. And how you can further nurture those leads to gain conversions.

Promote Your App

Now, in case your brand has its own official mobile application. There you have the option to learn about using Facebook ads to get more app installation.

Increase Online & Offline Sales

Not for online marketers, but for in-store retailers also Facebook blueprint have advanced training and courses to enhance your sales. It doesn’t matter whether you are marketing for your online or offline business. Facebook ads get you options with both. One to drive traffic on your online store, and second to get in foot traffic to your retail store. And it provides various other advertising options using which you can generate more revenue.

Facebook Ad Formats

With a myriad of ad format options on Facebook, it’s also possible that you might get confused to choose one. Here you will learn about different ad formats – carousel, story, collection, and video ads.

Creative Inspiration

The advanced and intermediate courses provide explanations about how to optimize your creative posts to match your mobile and desktop audience. It will also show how you can enhance the impact of your ad campaign without spending much.

Manage Ad Campaigns

Facebook business manager gives you a lot of options to create ad campaigns, edit and manage Facebook ads and check their performances very efficiently. From the Facebook blueprint courses, you will also be able to learn about how to use Facebook business manager and ad manager features, which helps you manage your ad accounts, catalogs, pixel, business pages, etc.

Ad Performance

Delving more Facebook blueprint trains marketers to use Facebook pixel to analyze web traffic, clicks (conversions), and sales. There, you have many more things to learn about how to improve your ads performances using split testing (A/B testing), Multi-touch Attribution, etc.

Facebook Messenger Ads

There are also courses at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels on how to use Facebook messenger for advertising purposes. It has many more features, which marketers can target to generate more leads and increase conversions.

Instagram Ads

Along with Facebook ad creations, the blueprint also provides information on how to use Instagram ads and utilize ad formats to gain more winning sales opportunities.

Facebook Blueprint e-Learning


Step-1 : Go Through Recommended Courses-

Having so many courses and mini-courses at beginners to advanced level, it could be amusing to opt for the right one. However, based on the user requirement, Facebook also recommends some specific courses, which you can check and carefully choose the correct exams that benefit your profession.

Step- 2: Take The Practice Exam-

Before taking these exams, you can take practice sets to check your preparation. In the practice exam, there you get 30 questions to answer. You can take these exams as many times as you want to improve your preparation to max standards.

Step- 3: Showcase Your Facebook Blueprint Badges-

Now, if you have prepared all things and take the examinations, after clearing them, you will get the certification with Facebook Blueprint certification badges. Display these badges on platforms like Linkedin to showcase your professional skills and get noticed by other marketers.

Learn More About Facebook Advertising With PowerAdSpy

Even after learning various marketing skills on Facebook platforms, it would be only effective if you deliver engaging content to your audiences, which keeps their interest. Here comes the PowerAdSpy ad intelligence tool that allows its users to analyze the top-performing Facebook ad campaigns. It gives you the option to filter ads based on the engagement stats (likes and views), using which you can easily find ads getting more audience attention.

Furthermore, PowerAdSpy gives you detailed information regarding target audience demographics, gender, engagement, conversions (clicks), and other details. That might help you in optimizing your own ad campaigns and make them more effective.

Is Facebook Certification Worth It?

The process of getting any certification by taking exams can be a stressful part. But with the Facebook e-Learning program, it has become quite simple. Yet you need to be prepared well before taking these exams, as it costs you more if you don’t pass on your first attempt.

Coming to the bigger picture, Facebook is one of the most used social media advertising platforms. And it gives many advertising opportunities to marketers to grow their business well. By taking their certification, you will not only enhance your knowledge but also strengthen your professional skills and exposure in the market.

So what do you think? If you have more suggestions about the Facebook blueprint, please share them in the comments section.
