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Top 5 Social Media Metrics To Track As A Business Marketer

Every marketing strategy demands accurate information to gain desired success. But many times, marketers miss out on gazing at results after running campaigns online. That’s where social media metrics play a vital role in analyzing what’s working for your brand and what’s not. As a business marketer, you need to keep things genuine and transparent […]

social media ads

7 New Instagram Updates To Revolutionize Your Social Media Ads

It’s time to pull your socks up as Instagram is continuously evolving! We all know, Instagram is one of the biggest social media platforms, known for its cool pictures, videos, interesting stories, and influential users. For businesses and advertisers, it’s a super practical way to connect with the people they want to reach. As social […]


13 eCommerce Ads Examples To Create Better Ad Campaigns

We have combined the best ads and campaigns from the very popular sources in this blog. Get a creative inspiration from them for your next campaign!


How To Create The Best Social Media Ads: 07 Killer Ad Examples

Do you ever feel like it takes too long to find and create the best social media ads? You are, however, not alone! Ads are the fuel that powers your social media campaigns, and they are the key factors that determine the success of all your marketing efforts. However, with the constant change in social […]


YouTube Ads Spy: A Trending Way To Target Audience

As a business person, you know that staying ahead of the curve is key to success. And in today’s world, that means using the latest tools and strategies to reach your target audience. So if you’re not yet using YouTube Ads Spy, you’re missing out on a powerful way to drive traffic and conversions. Well! […]