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Facebook Affiliate Marketing: How To Use Facebook Ads For Affiliate Marketing

With more than 2 billion monthly active users (MAUs), a robust ad platform, and a domain rating of 100 in Ahrefs, Facebook ads for affiliate marketing are the first choice of every marketer. Despite the recent iOS update, Facebook will remain to be an effective marketing tool for marketers. If you know how to use […]


Facebook Affiliate Marketing Guide 2022

With more than 2 billion monthly active users (MAUs), a robust ad platform, and a domain rating of 100 in Ahrefs, Facebook affiliate marketing has been ruling the roost for the past several years. Despite the recent iOS update, Facebook will remain to be an effective marketing tool for marketers. If you know how to […]

7 Methods To Determine The Best Time To Post On Facebook

On the internet, you will get many blogs about the best time to post on Facebook, and they claim to have the correct answers on it. So, a question arises in our mind- is there truly the best time in which to publish? The answer is: that it depends on what time you are posting. […]


Why Should You Get Facebook Blueprint Certification?

Is Facebook blueprint certification really worth it? If you wish to be a successful Facebook marketer, this question might have come to your mind. Yes! Being a certified professional has many advantages, and it helps you get the attention of your clients, boss, or your future employees as well. Since the date it got launched, […]


10 Best Strategies For Effective Advertising- The Game Changer

To increase revenue and minimize expenses, effective advertising strategies are necessary for business growth. But this ain’t the only purpose of advertising! Advertising is a form of communication done to inform potential customers about the availability of your products and services in the market.  Ideally, an effective strategy for your brand promotion informs, persuades, educates, […]