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7 Pro Ways Of Using Competitive Intelligence Tool For Win In 2021

As a brand, we think we are aware of the competition around us, and we assume that we have it all figured out. But, in this growing landscape of alternative brands, it is not easier to conduct extensive studies on your competitors’ profiles. That is why having a competitive intelligence tool is a need of […]


YouTube video ads: Everything You Need To Watch

Today, video consumption is rising more than ever! YouTube video ads are not a new idea. It has been the top marketing tool in advertising brands and big business for quite some time. If you are thinking of running YouTube advertisements, here are some remarkable facts about YouTube.  YouTube is trending as the number 1 […]

Cherishing The Holidays With 06 Tempting Ad Ideas

We all look forward to the holidays since it is the most enjoyable time of the year. Everyone is happy over the holidays. It brings joy to individuals of all ages and from all walks of life. However, it is not easy to be a marketer but, it’s never too early to start planning for […]


The Easiest Way To Do Competitor Analysis In 2024

Practically any item you can consider is as of now being sold by another person. That is both acceptable and terrible news. Interestingly, the competition is a solid intermediary for clients’ interests. What’s more, where there’s interest, there’s potential for development and ongoing benefits.  Presently, the flaw is that you’ll need to have similar clients […]


Carve The Most Eye Catching Caption With These 07 Steps

Instagram marketing is all about aesthetics, especially when it comes to advertisements. It leaves a strong impression on your followers that lets them share your posts- and eventually grow your followers. But, only if it was that easy! You already know it is not an easy hurdle to cross. However, your growth depends on your […]