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Facebook Quiz: A Useful Tool For Marketing

Any organization that wants to grow and increase its online presence for the sales of products and services needs to gather data about leads and customers. This need for data is essential for generating business. For this, there are many ways or options available to remain in the competition, such as improving product quality and […]

How To Scale Up The Business Using Facebook Stories

Facebook is a popular social media platform, with 2 billion users visiting every day to keep themselves updated on news feeds and posts. To harness more advantages through this platform for the promotion of business and products, people are investing more into it. People are searching for more options within Facebook to increase sales figures […]

Facebook Giveaways: A Brilliant Way To Generate Leads

Since the inception of Facebook, it has registered over 2 billion active users and is more popular than any other social media platform. With its myriad users globally, brands are putting effort into grabbing the attention of users and trying to stay ahead of their competition. In such cases, the Facebook giveaways are a simple […]


How Can You Use A Facebook Call To Action For Your Business?

How can you stay ahead of competitors where every marketer and businessman are prophesying novel ideas to generate more sales? Another question also comes when you want more email subscribers or when your ad campaign on social media could not generate more conversion rates? Keeping in mind all the questions, Facebook came up with an […]


How To Set Up A Facebook Shop In 2020?

Ever since its inception, Facebook has always been connecting people to what they seek. Whether the connection is with their friends, family, or even to the business or customers. In every aspect of connection you seek with others, Facebook has been helping you accomplish that. In this article, we are going to discuss how to […]