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5 Best YouTube Video Advertising Examples

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5 Best YouTube Video Advertising Examples

In today’s digital age, social media enables you to capture, record, share, and display valuable moments or creativity. It empowers you to share your ideas through videos or images.

Today, YouTube is one of the leading video streaming platforms, with 2.7 billion active users. With millions of content creators and billions of watch hours, this creates an opportunity for advertisers to promote their products.

With compelling image or video content, advertisers are not just conveying their messages but providing an experience for the viewers.

Video ads are one of the best ways to capture customer attention. Brands and businesses are utilizing videos to express their values to customers efficiently.

If you are a content creator or a content marketer using platforms like YouTube, video advertisements can improve your online presence and promote your brand. Creating high-quality, valuable, and engaging content is the key to success in YouTube advertising.

In this blog, We will share five best video advertising examples to help you in your next video marketing campaign with tips to capture your audiences’ attention. We will discuss an ad spy tool to ease your video advertisement journey.

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Why YouTube Is Best For Video Advertising ?

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing and online streaming platform for content creators and advertisers. Its growing no of viewers brings more opportunities for businesses to market. YouTube allows you to reach a diverse range of audiences across the globe. Here are some reasons to select YouTube for advertising.

Target audience – YouTube provides advanced targeting options for precise targeting based on demography, behavior, interest, and more. YouTube encompasses robust data for advertisers to ease and convenient video ad campaigns. It helps the advertiser reach the relevant audience and hence optimize the budget.

Pricing models – YouTube offers various pricing models like cost per view and cost per thousand impressions, allowing advertisers to select pricing models per their campaign goals and objectives.

Brand building – One of the best advantages of advertising on YouTube is that you can build your brand presence and awareness through compelling storytelling, engaging content visuals, and graphics. Video ads are often more convincing than any other ad format.

Ad formats – YouTube offers a variety of ad formats, including skippable or unskippable ads, which provide flexibility to advertisers depending on their ad content.

Further in this blog, We will learn more about various ad formats and best video advertising examples.

Video Advertising Examples: Select The Perfect Ad Format


Some ad formats enable advertisers to deliver messages through diverse engagement strategies. Let us know more about these ad formats.

Pre-Streaming Ads

Pre-streaming ad plays before the start of the main video. These ads are unskippable, so they capture viewers’ attention before the main content plays.

Advertisers can target the viewers based on their interests and the videos they prefer to watch. Advertising on relevant content may help advertisers to convey their messages easily.

Pre-Roll Ads

Pre-roll ads are similar to pre-streaming ads but are skippable. These ads usually range from seconds to a minute and can be skippable after 5 seconds to start the main content. Due to their longer duration, these ads may include a call to action (CTC).

Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are short, unskippable ads that play before or amidst the content. These ads run for shorter duration, usually around 5-6 seconds. When used continuously, it fosters strong brand recall and recognition.

Native Video Advertising Examples

If you are going through a YouTube video of a fitness influencer explaining the benefits of creatine and suggesting creatine for a specific brand, this is native video advertising. It seamlessly integrates with the content you watch, making it more natural.

Mobile Video Advertising Examples

You are scrolling through the reels of Instagram and find a sponsored ad for a smartwatch. It integrates with your smartphone screen. Mobile video ads are designed and optimized for mobiles and include a call to action, which diverts you to the official website of the product optimized for the mobile experience.

In addition, due to diminishing attention span, you can also advertise on short format content like YouTube shorts to get maximum engagement and reach.

We learned about ad formats, and now, We will share some valuable tips through some of the best video advertising examples.

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Tips To Enhance Your Video Advertising With 5 Video Advertising Examples

YouTube advertising is all about engaging your viewers, so here are some tips and best video advertising examples. With these examples, you can derive ideas on how to create ads for maximum audience attention.

Hook viewers with a compelling starting line – The first two seconds of your video can be a deciding factor for successful video advertising. Formulate a captivating, motivating line and messaging to grab attention instantly. Add a compelling factor for your viewers. Viewers typically opt for and engage with the videos based on the appealing initial content.


Grammarly is an AI-based typing assisting tool that helps you to write content or any professional email with tone suggestions, grammar checks, etc.

This video ad creatively raises the question through a conversation: Wait, did you download Grammarly? It engages the viewers creatively.


Hostinger is a website hosting company. At the very start of the video, this ad raises an engaging question for the targeted viewers. It will hook the relevant audience looking for web hosting services.

This 15-second Shopify ad starts with a catchy line “Make sale without fail”. Here, Shopify added an engaging initial line to make the audience last to the ad.

Through these video advertising examples, we learned that your ad should start with a compelling line that viewers can relate to if they want a solution.

Tell a compelling story to resonate with your viewers – Create and tell an engaging storyline to connect to your viewers and audience. Tell a story that provides value to your viewers regarding the environment or other human values.



We know Coca-Cola as a well-established brand. Here, coca-cola shared a value-based factual story on saving water and their initiatives to return water used for manufacturing beverages.



Truist is an American bank since 1872. In this video, Truist Bank is not selling its services but shares the story of providing banking services to its customers for generations.

Through these video advertising examples, we learned sharing a story that aligns with your brand value can create positive brand-building among the viewers. So do not try to sell a product but build a connection with your viewers.

To access additional video advertising examples, We utilized an ad spy tool to get these ads for you. We recommend PowerAdspy to learn more about ad strategies.

What Is Poweradspy?


Poweradspy is a social media ad spy tool to spy on your competitors’ creatives and ideas. It encompasses data from more than 100 countries. PowerAdSpy allows users to analyze their competitors’ strategies and get ideas for ad creatives. It is an ad intelligence software that enables users to search by domain, keywords, and advertisers.

Filter By Ad Positions – PowerAdSpy allows you to filter ads based on positions such as newsfeeds and side locations.

Complete visibility – PowerAdSpy enables you to get analytical reports with real-time data.

Ads from 110+ countries – It grants access to the latest ad campaigns from more than 100 countries.

Narrow your searches – It allows you to search ads on domain and niche-specific keywords and sort by call-to-action.

Precise algorithm – You can search and find exact keywords/ads/phrases used in the ad campaign.

Video and image ads – It offers various video and image ad formats to get an idea of what works.

Geo-targeted – It has a vast database that enables its users to get precise information about your competitors’ geo-targeted ads.

PowerAdSpy can help you to learn from various video advertising examples.


YouTube is one of the best video streaming platforms in the world. With its growing number of viewers, it has the highest crowd and potential for conversions.

You can select the best video ad format and enhance video advertising with these best video advertising examples. These video advertising examples taught us to hook and engage our viewers.

You can use PowerAdspy a social media ad spy tool to learn more about your competitors and take ideas about their strategies and creatives.
