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8 Brutally Honest Real Estate Ads | Tips to Create Your own Ads

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8 Brutally Honest Real Estate Ads | Tips to Create Your own Ads

Real estate is an evergreen occupation in the world that is constantly growing and striving to become better and more comfortable day by day.

However, the real estate industry is facing great challenges due to the various economic upthrusts across the world. Therefore planning real estate ads is much more crucial in the present times than ever before.

When we talk about real estate, we sometimes forget that real estate is a service and not a product. It is a creative and innovative service, and sometimes we need creative and innovative ads to advertise it. 

Here are some brutally honest real estate ads that will leave you amazed.

Here the ad mentions every description of the property, but in what lengths? Let us explore that part here. The classified ad says the buyer can have 23-hour security assistance, which is hilariously absurd. 

In a hurry? Listen to the blog instead!


However, those who find it interesting can leverage such honesty levels to create their real estate ads.

Overpriced shitholes! Here I come. (smiley face)

I think this is the work of the extremely jealous real estate agent of an alternate company. I mean, who will defame their services?

Well, we do not know who put this banner, but we surely think it is amusing. 

Attention! This ad is strictly for people seeking ghost-free houses.

People nowadays seek quirk everywhere! Well, this tactic is way too honest for people who find a thrill with the ghosts by their side.

Jokes apart, this trick is eye-catching for a viewer, and people won’t help but gaze a little bit extra on the ad. 

Will you buy a property where neighbors are…? You know!

Honestly, this property is extremely suitable for reality shows like Big Boss and Splitsvilla. If you find the location, can you please ping it to the producers of these reality shows?

Well, such real estate ads are a true definition of brutally honest. You can see this ad must be a prank because there is no contact number given there.

A true real estate advertisement.

Look at this ad! Some out-of-place realtors do not frown to mention they have ugly properties in a world where people do not hesitate to go on and on for the praisings of their property.

If I were you, I would have visited ugly ones first, hoping to get them at lower prices than the latter.

Well, it is pure psychology. People will hope for ugly ones to be cheaper. If you want to boost the visitings to your real estate properties, you can trick people with such creative advertising copies.

Will you buy this house?

Real estate ads are known to divulge offers to ensure their property visits. But never speak about how desperate they are to make sales. Well, if the situation is pressing, then what is stopping you from being completely honest? You never know which trick will help you!

Perfect revenge never exists!

Someone’s ‘revenge sell’ can become someone else’s perfect opportunity to have a great place. After all, moving requires a change of perspective and place. And what is a better opportunity to make yourself feel good than making money from your break-up? 

You go, girl!

Hit where it hurts!

Listen to that real estate guy! He says facts.

Well, quirk is one way you can ensure to reach many eyeballs. For example, this Chris Clark ad is moving and hilarious. Relating the advertisement strategy to the most common problem a person can face is the most clever trick to entice people.

Tips To Create Real Estate Facebook Ads That Work 


Everyone knows that Facebook is one of the biggest social networking sites, boasting more than

1 billion users. With so much daily activity on Facebook, it’s no surprise that the platform is a top choice for real estate marketers.

The keys to running successful real estate Facebook ads are similar to those used on PowerAdSpy search ads – meaning you have to have a good offer and a good Facebook page.

Here are some tips that can help you create effective real estate Facebook ads that work.

Tip 1: Appealing Offer Copy

Your ad should consist of an offer copy that ensures your viewers stop right there. Offers are also quite confusing. Make sure that you put in a legitimate offer. Keep it short and simple. Do not stuff it with too many fancy words. 

Also, make sure to highlight the offer so that it becomes more visible in the whole advertisement. 

The real estate industry is facing difficulties nowadays because of the constant economic crisis, which made many people reconsider their budget for purchasing real estate. Therefore, adding an offer is not at all an option but a necessity in real estate ads. 

Tip 2: Compelling Image

Put out your real estate ads with the right images that speak a thousand words without saying anything. Images with correct contrast, hue, and proportion with the complete ad have higher chances of captivating people. At Least they can spread the word with more grace than anything else.

For example, this is the ad from Fame Residence. We can see how they are promoting the ambiance of the place. Sometimes the banner is powerful enough to attract people. And you do not have to include anything extra to catch your viewer’s attention.

Real estate ads need to be catchy and attractive enough so that people want to learn more about services offered by real estate agencies. Especially holiday real estate ads need to be captivating because that is the season of high-end competition.

Because it is not about selling more ads, it is about selling the right ones.

Tip 3: Appropriate Call To Action

A specific call to action is necessary when you include an offer in your ad creative. These real estate ads inspire your viewers to get you conversions. This means CTA buttons are here to ensure that your viewer becomes your client.

Real estate ads need to include some tricks that would stand out from the crowd and make potential clients interested in visiting the property. An ad that is a perfect blend of compelling image, description, and a CTA can do the magic.

Tip 4:  Complete Description

These sorts of real estate ads come with complete descriptions of the property. To prove its authenticity, they use pictures that are free from editing because authenticity is judged based on the real images they provide. 

The problem is that most ads are catchy but super vague. They entice people to want to live there without giving them full information. They entice people to believe whatever they want about a place. And that’s why it’s so difficult to make the right choice because you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.

If you are planning to create Facebook real estate ads with descriptions, highlight the main points. For example, the price of the property or anything that you think might interest your buyer. 

Tip 5: Accurate Location.

It is crucial to provide the location details in your real estate ads. They are the only element after price that attracts your viewers to buy the property. Also, it proves your authenticity. You can provide a picture of a satellite image of your property location to convince your buyer. 

Role of PowerAdSpy In Facebook Real Estate Ads Research


PowerAdSpy selects by hand each ad that goes out into social media channels. It analyzes everything from the location, audience engagements, associated landing pages, placement options, popular devices, the duration of the advertisement, etc. 

Additionally, PowerAdSpy also helps you in researching your competition and its strategies. It reverses engineer the advertisement of your competition and lets you know the full details of engagement ratios and the reasons for their success and failures.

Real estate companies are also facing great challenges because of cutthroat competition and economic crises. Real estate companies need to have a differentiated marketing strategy. That will help them stand out from the crowd, which means they have to be more creative with their marketing campaigns. 

Hence, the perfect reason to use PowerAdSpy.

PowerAdSpy is a leading ad intelligence tool. That helps you research your competitor’s ads across nine social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Quora, Native Ads, YouTube, Reddit, and Google Plus. Apart from its integrations with various platforms, it has one of the largest ad databases and is available in 15+ countries across the globe.

Here are a few steps to research Facebook real estate ads using PowerAdSpy.

Step 1: Log in or sign up in PowerAdSpy.

Step 2: Once you are in the PowerAdSpy dashboard, look at the left side of the window. You will find nine icons of different social media platforms. Fortunately, you do not have to click any of it because Facebook is the default social media platform in PowerAdSpy.

You can see a search dashboard in the uppermost center of the page and four different options below it. These consist of the tools that will break down your ad research.


Step 3: Type the keyword that you want to research in the search box. 

Step 4: Narrow down your search based on the given tools. Once you have completed your search settings, hit the search button.

Step 5: Now, you can see the window filled with ads based on your search settings. You can have a robust report on your chosen advertisement with one click on the Show Analytics option.

Get a hold of the most detailed report on your chosen ad.

Wrap Up!

Facebook is a goldmine for advertising real estate properties because of its extensive targeting capabilities. A buyer for a single-family home is very different from a buyer of an apartment building, which is why social media is so handy in reaching just the right people.

It gives you access to an engaged audience of real people ready to invest in real estate.

Real estate agents face many challenges when creating real estate ads. These ads are there to relay information about the property and attract potential customers by describing the features of a particular real estate property. 

Therefore PowerAdSpy is the most optimal tool to research your competitor so that you can make your advertising strategy strong and impactful. 

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