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How To Advertise Your Business: 09 Best Practices For Thanksgiving and BFCM

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How To Advertise Your Business: 09 Best Practices For Thanksgiving and BFCM

The countdown to the most awaited time of the year for businesses has started! Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 23rd, followed by Black Friday on November 24th, and Cyber Monday on Monday, November 27th. This year it will be more intense than ever. And for marketers, the first question that comes to mind is – how to advertise your business for this festive week?

This whole week is undeniably one of the biggest festive days in retail. With consumers spending and willing to spend billions of dollars every year. Every marketer knows how big of an opportunity this is for brands and businesses. And that is why competition has become so tough these days.

Everyone ramps up their advertising budget and marketing strategy to attract consumers, which is an obvious move to secure sales and close the year with solid profits. So, if you want a slice of this Black Friday cake, you must step up your game. But can you do that? How to advertise your business for this Black Friday?

In this article, we will discuss all the things you need to know to promote your business this festive week. Without wasting any time, let’s get started!


Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada celebrating the harvest and other graces of the past year. It is one of the most sentimental events of the year. It’s about spending time with friends and family. 

Yet, people go into rush mode as they scour shops and websites for the perfect holiday decor or the best discount deals. Other than only thinking about how to advertise your business during festive week, think of ways to show your customers you’re thankful for them. You can share a quick video greeting, posted organically to your Facebook page, Instagram, or wherever you can interact most with your customers.

Black Friday – Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday is an informal name used to describe the day after Thanksgiving. It’s often the busiest shopping day of the year because it kicks off the holiday season. This period is crucial for the economy, primarily for some retailers, such as jewelers. 

It is the official commencement of the holiday shopping period in the United States, and retailers celebrate with special, unbeatable deals and promotions. Black Friday is traditionally celebrated by brick-and-mortar retailers, offering in-store deals.

Typically, products have high discounts for the entire four days. Some businesses offer variations in types of discounts or Black Friday deals for each of the four days. This year, consider making some promotions available online for shoppers who might not be able to or don’t feel comfortable shopping in person yet.  

Cyber Monday – Monday, November 27, 2023

Cyber Monday marketing is the internet’s version of Black Friday and is a big day for online sales. Even if you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store location, you can still participate earlier and promote your online holiday deals on Black Friday (or even sooner).

What started as a one-day event has become a four-day shopping event ending on Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is focused on promoting and targeting online buyers.

These days more and more customers are spending their holiday shopping online. You might be thinking about how to advertise your business, but to be honest, there are no rules for these four days, so you have the freedom to do your Black Friday marketing any way you’d like to better attract purchases.

How To Advertise Your Business On Facebook During Thanksgiving and BFCM Week?


Start Early & Utilize Your Precious Ad Money Wisely:

Starting ahead may sound a little obvious, and yet so many online store owners start planning their festive week campaigns too little too late. Don’t make this mistake, have a marketing strategy!

If you leave planning your Facebook ad campaign for the last minute, you’ll end up feeling like you do when you postpone holiday shopping until Christmas Eve. You won’t even have an idea of what’s working, you’ll spend too much money on something that in the end will prove to be useless, and you’ll definitely have a good time either.

Be smart. Be prepared. Make another spreadsheet.

Engage Your Customers With Storytelling:

The holidays are always a season full of merriment and joy, and it is exactly what customers expect after a tough year. Create holiday magic with engaging storytelling to promote your brand and products. Help your customers envision how your products fit into the season and their everyday lives. Plus, consider adding gift guides to prepare your customers for BFCM deals.

Build Engaging And Creative Ad Copy:

To stand out from the crowd during the BFCM weekend and its month-long buildup, make sure to use visually appealing catchy creatives.

Also, don’t forget that video content is still the king and the most engaging ad format. Maintain the visual and textural appeal in both your ads and the video to ensure that your audience is highly engaged.

At this point, you should not introduce new color palettes or drastically new designs that can stop your customers from quickly recognizing your brand amongst lots of other ads. Including numbers in your ad headlines makes it more likely that users will click on them. In general, when users see numbers it makes it easier to understand offers.

That being said, it’s important to remember that you’ll need to provide real value (not clickbait) with your ad offers for people to take action. Make sure your ad copy emphasizes how your product will help your audience (and ensure that your product can deliver on these promises).

Check To Track:

Make sure to have Facebook Pixel installed on your site to track your visitors’ activity. Check if codes are in their correct place and that your priority events such as Page Views, Add-to-Cart, Purchase, Scroll Depth, Time on Page, etc. You can always check the diagnostic tab in Facebook’s Event Manager or Test Events if they are being received correctly.

Keep An Eye On Your Competitors:

You are not alone in this craziness. Many competitors are targeting the same audience that you are targeting. You should keep an eye on everything that they are doing and planning. What is their strategy for this festive season? What offers are they providing? Are they providing free shipping? What kind of creatives are they posting on social media? 


And you also have to create a better strategy and find the best ads to compete with them. But how can you do that? The answer to that question is PowerAdSpy. It will improve your Social Ads Advertising Campaigns.


It can find hidden niches and lucrative opportunities for you, removing all the hassle of content creation, identifying campaign targets, niche research, and more.

Launch Your Facebook Ads Early To Grow Remarketing Audiences

It does not mean that you shouldn’t run your Facebook ads during the festive week – of course, you should! The way to success is to set some money aside for warming up your potential customers before the actual holiday shopping craziness begins. 

The bidding before the actual day will be less expensive, and you can save some of your ad money while getting in front of your target audience at the same time. Also, you will be able to grow your audiences for your remarketing campaigns, which you will later launch on the actual Black Friday or Cyber Monday. 

What’s a better audience to convert than a warmed-up audience? Just give them the final push and watch your ROAS (return on ad spend) skyrocket.

Invest In Lookalike Audiences


To succeed with your Thanksgiving and BFCM ad campaign on Facebook, you need to get in front of people who are most likely to find your ads relevant. Lookalike audiences are loved among Facebook advertising specialists for a good reason. 

In short, they can help you reach new customers who are very similar to your existing ones. This, in turn, means you’ll be able to connect with people who are likely to be interested in your offers. Isn’t that the whole point of running ads? 

Take Advantage of Hashtags

When running creative campaigns, you can take advantage of festive-focused Instagram hashtags in addition to your regular hashtags. You’ll want to include hashtags, for example, on Black Friday deals you can use– #blackfriday #cybermonday #sale #blackfridaysale #blackfridaydeals. This will allow you to reach customers who are specifically looking for deals over these days.

If you sell more niche products, this may not work as well as people are less likely to search for these types of products under Black Friday hashtags. If your products are not for a larger audience, consider focusing on the niche hashtags that normally work well for you.

Don’t Slip On The Basics

Sometimes we spend so much time crafting complex strategies that we tend to overlook the basics. Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning your Black Friday Facebook ad campaign.

  • Adjust your Facebook ad account spending limit

If you’ve done your homework well, chances are you’ll spend much more on your ads than you usually do. Make sure your high-performing Black Friday Facebook ads are not forced to stop because you reached your ad spend limit.

  • Stay within the character limit:

If your ad headline is too long, Facebook will cut it. Stay under 25 characters for your headline and under 30 characters for your link description, and you’ll be fine.

  • Evaluate your text/image ratio in your visuals

Even though Facebook is removing its 20% text-in-image rule for ads, it is safe to reduce the amount of text within ad images. According to Facebook, photos with less than 20% text perform better.

Also Read:

06 Profitable Cyber Monday Marketing Strategies That Will Escalate Sales

Black Friday Deals 2023: What To Expect This Year

Wrapping Up:

This whole week, from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday provides an incredible money-making opportunity for businesses of all sizes. But getting the most out of it requires a solid plan. With all the tips and PowerAdSpy, you are now ready to totally kill it with your social media marketing this holiday season. I hope it was helpful. Let me know if I missed anything. If you have any queries, drop them in the comments below!

