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7 Best Ads Ideas For Valentine’s Day You Can Try

There is no specific time for expressing love to your loved ones, but there is a time when it all feels extra special. You got that right – Valentine’s Day is coming closer! People have started making plans to purchase gifts, flowers, and chocolates for their loved ones. And it is also the perfect opportunity […]


How Ad Intelligence Benefits Brands

In digital advertising, brands used to have a tough time gaining insight into what they’re paying for or which social platforms to position their ads for the best ROI. Furthermore, the cost of digital ads increased tremendously, as brands were not gaining profits and were paying more without knowing how ads performed in a niche […]


6 Facebook Ecommerce Ads Examples To Boost Your Sales

Do you want your ad to stand out? Then stick to this article where we will research and find out the features of successful ad campaigns through Facebook ecommerce ads examples. As of today, in 2023, more than two billion people have digitally purchased various goods, and that number is increasing day by day. It […]

Outlook of the Year 2021 – PowerAdSpy

Happy New Year 2022, folks!  This new year let us take a vow that we will bring the best out of our inner self and mark every milestone we planned for our lives! Cheers to the dreams, motivations, sadness, and moving on. This year has been challenging for every industry, sector, and business, as we […]


What Is An Ad Impression And Why Is It Important?

Ever since traditional marketing embarked on the journey to go digital, social media marketers cherish the accessibility to the ad impressions provided for their ads. It is way simpler now for them to see how their ads are performing in the real world. But for us to understand what these insights mean, it is crucial […]