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Why Should You Get Facebook Blueprint Certification?

Is Facebook blueprint certification really worth it? If you wish to be a successful Facebook marketer, this question might have come to your mind. Yes! Being a certified professional has many advantages, and it helps you get the attention of your clients, boss, or your future employees as well. Since the date it got launched, […]


Everyone Uses Instagram Food Hashtags, You Should Too…

Anticipate before you # nom  Food is something obvious that everybody engages with every day. We as a whole know how much we love to eat great food, which makes food photos immense on Instagram, they are easy to create and engaging to everybody. Anyway, in case you’re a chef, baker, restaurant owner, or food […]


Is Advertising On Facebook Worth It?

Advertising on Facebook, a platform with the highest user base on the internet, has taken the marketing industry by storm. Because of its massive user base, advertising on Facebook has yielded fruitful results for all digital marketers who take a dip in it. What is it about this platform that makes it the #1 spot […]


How To Use Hashtags For Instagram For Better Marketing Approaches? 

Hashtags for Instagram are the absolute warriors for the marketing approaches. It is discovering elements efficiently in exploring the new followers, targeting the audiences, and setting the fire in a vast range of crowds provided by the platforms. So, wondering how to effectively utilize hashtags for Instagram to get more visibility across the platforms? Hop […]


How to add a video to Facebook cover- a step-by-step guide to posting the Facebook cover video

A Facebook cover video is an essential part of your business page, occupying prime real estate on your profile. You may have contained certain cover paintings with a Facebook cover image initially, but it won’t catch the attention of your customers more than certain attractive videos. Are you aware of the recent features of Facebook […]