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Spying on Facebook Ads | A Trend That Will Continue To Grow

The landscape of ad campaigns is highly competitive and is constantly changing and when it comes to competition in social media, the first and foremost thing that businesses want to do is to spy on their competitor’s advertising strategy. The Popularity of Facebook ads spy has grown over the past few years, and with no […]

Beginner’s Portal To Native Ads | Gain Competitive Edge In 3 Formats

The advertising industry is expanding at a pace of light speed. Matching such a pace is hard for professionals too! You also hit the stone wall, regardless of how much experience you have as an advertiser. And that is where native ads came into existence to save you from such a downfall! When other forms […]

Business Competitive Analysis | Top 5 Ways To Target Competitors

Running a business is a tough job! But, no problem on the planet hasn’t been solved already! You can easily derive solutions for the issues you are facing by researching your target competitors. Plus, it gets you an extra edge against the market competition. Well! Knowing more about competitors is rather an easy task but […]

Facebook Creator Studio: A Boon For Every Marketer

Social media platforms are actively evolving to fit the needs of the online consumer. And here, Facebook made significant changes to its content management platform, which is now known as Facebook Creator Studio. Creator Studio combines all of the tools you’ll need to post, manage, monetize, and measure content across your Facebook and Instagram pages. […]


05 Tips To Fuel Your Lead Generation Strategy For YouTube

Behind Facebook, YouTube is the second-oldest social networking site. Despite its antiquity, it is still one of the most popular channels for people of all ages. Its creators have video filming and editing talents that many other platforms’ developers lack. For these reasons, using professional-quality video material to promote your company on YouTube is an […]