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Facebook Ads Spy: How to Spy on Your Competitors’ Facebook Ads in 2023!

Every time we counter the term ‘spy’, it seems fishy. Spy words do not always reflect any ethical activities. It’s a marketing jargon to have a close look at competitors’ strategies. Let’s say — your competitor is Zomato, and you want to be ahead of them. Then your first aim should be to know their […]

Facebook Ads Spy: 05 Reason Why It’s Treasure For Advertiser

Gone are the days when marketers were frightened and haunted by their rivals. But today, keeping an eye on a competitor is a great way to nourish and build your business. We did not imply that knowing your competitor is enough but apprehending their techniques and what they are doing is a fail-safe. In a […]


How To Target Competitors Audience Using Facebook Ads

Targeting competitors’ audience is one of the best possible ways to enhance brand awareness, generate sales and leads for your business. On platforms like Google and Bing, you can  directly run ad campaigns targeting the same audience as your competitors. But that doesn’t imply you can do the same on a social giant platform like Facebook. […]


How Can The Recent Updates Improve Your Facebook Post Ideas?

Facebook is the social media giant and one of the most preferred sites for business owners. It is a vast platform that has room for businesses following various niches and trying to make the most out of their social media marketing strategies and improve your Facebook post ideas. Hit The Play Button To Listen This Podcast: Hence, […]


New To Facebook Gaming Live Streams? Here’s What You Need To Know

Microsoft decided to give up on the live streaming platform. And that is when the entire live streaming world got disheartened. Everyone thought it is going to have an immense consequence in the distant future. But there is always something better brewing when one door gets shut for the users. We all know that Microsoft […]