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6 Eye-Opening Reasons To Use Facebook Automated Ads

Facebook automated ads have become a game changer in today’s digital marketing world. These ads seek to streamline the advertising process, making it more accessible to businesses of all sizes. Facebook’s ad automation was designed for professionals with extensive skill levels. It is easy to use and completes several laborious activities that would take hours […]


All You Need To Know About AB Testing Social Media

The importance of data-driven decisions in social media marketing cannot be overstated. The ability to make successful marketing decisions increases with the amount of audience data we have. AB testing social media is one of the ways of identifying the audience information as it tests what type of social media posts and advertising get the […]


4 Tips To Make Competitive Ad Spend Analysis More Effective

In the world of a competitive digital market, it is essential to know how your competitors are spending on ads and what their marketing strategies are. Your competition won’t share their marketing secrets openly. So, if you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you must understand the competitive ad spend. It looks like a […]

Facebook ad not delivering

Why is My Facebook Ad Not Delivering, And How To Fix It?

Facebook has over 3.7 billion monthly users, opening a wide road for marketers and businesses to reach a large audience through Facebook ads. It is one of the significant sources of revenue for businesses. Facebook ads offer various tools for creating ads, tracking performances, and launching campaigns targeting specific goals. While businesses gain huge profits […]